2025年美国纽约国际消费性礼品展览会NYIGF 美国纽约国际礼品及家庭用品博览会一年二届,分别在二月和八月举办,全球的购买者和销售者每年汇集在这展会,来展示他们最精华的产品或者完成他们的商业目标。展会有来自美国50个州的35000和85个国家的买家,你会发现在NYIGF众多的机会。 参加该展的国际展团有:加拿大、丹麦...
NYIGF Enhances Website.The article highlights the move of the New York International Gift Fair to upgrade its website to offer its exhibitors additional interactive search tools in White Plains, New York.EBSCO_bspHome Textiles Today
2023年美国纽约礼品及家庭用品展览会(NYIGF),展会时间:2023年02月05日~02月08日,展会地点:美国-纽约-655 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001-1188 USA-贾维茨会展中心,主办方:翡翠展览,举办周期:一年两届,展会面积:60000平米,参展观众:30000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到2000家。 展会介绍 美国纽约国际礼品及...
ByPerrin Drumm-August 28, 2012 inProduct Design|Design Festivals Though NYIGF has a rep for showcasing mass-produced commercial items, the kind you might find in a gift shop that sells candles and cards and tea towels—and certainly there is plenty of that—their 'Accent on Design' section...
摘要: The article reports that New York International Gift Fair (NYIGF) will be accepting nominees for the Retailer Excellence Awards until April 22, 2011 to be announced during the gift fair at the Lighthouse in Chelsea Piers, New York City on August 14, 2011....
Perennial favorites, London-based black+blum unveiled their newest Spring products at this year's NYIGF targeted at those who love to cook...and eat! The hot-pot bbq is the perfect accessory for the urban dweller/fire escape griller. A seemingly-innocent
The ladies fromAlbertine Press,May Day Studio, andCarta, Inc.were back at NYIGF with a shared booth displaying their lovely cards, ribbons, and paper ephemera. May Day Studio Cute holiday cards fromAlbertine Press Carta, Inc. And finally for today, theAesthetic Movementbooth, which was full ...