NYCxDESIGN promotes New York City as a design destination and creative resource, and serves as a supportive network, organizer, and galvanizer to its powerful multi-disciplined design sectors.
全球设计领域最具权威性的设计类奖项之一,Interior Design颁发,NYCxDESIGN设计大奖通过评选国际设计师、制造商和生产商最优秀的设计项目及产品,来表彰他们在设计领域的杰出才华和多元创意。 奖项介绍 NYCxDESIGN 设计大奖旨在表彰主要设计领域内的优秀产品和项目,涵盖建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计、配件设计等。该奖项由设...
Part of NYCXDesign, the panel takes place on May 17th at NeueHouse Madison Square May 7, 2024 NYCxDesign This Collection of Posters is an Ode to Design in New York City A new set of posters created by NYC Designers for NYCXDesign capture the essence of creativity in the city that neve...
2024年 NYCxDESIGN 设计大奖 LLADRÓ雅致很荣幸再次成为第九届 NYCxDESIGN Awards 官方赞助商。 LLADRÓ雅致瓷艺雕塑被作为珍贵奖品颁发,并在颁奖典礼上展示了一件令人印象深刻的 "天外来客"大型雕塑作品。 同...
商标名称 NYCX 国际分类 第25类-服装鞋帽 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 48306870 申请日期 2020-07-22 申请人名称(中文) 石狮市武高服装店 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 福建省泉州市石狮市灵秀镇西灵路555号海西电商园运营中心310 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 1722 初审公告日期 2020-12...
The Emerging Designer Residency was created to support the work of designers in the early stages of their careers. NYCxDESIGN and Arts Thread have teamed up again to present the 2024 iteration of the Emerging Designer Residency program in New York City. Four recent graduates in a variety of ...
纽约为期12天的纽约设计周结束后,美国编辑埃莉诺·吉布森(Eleanor Gibson)挑选了一些脱颖而出的美国设计师和工作室。 NYCxDesign 2019于5月10日至22日举行,其中包括ICFF、WantedDesign和Brooklyn Designs的回归展区,以及一系列展览,这一年度活动吸引了大批国际设计师来到这座城市。 Yield Yield在国际当代家具博览会(ICF...
在于近期结束的美国NYCxDESIGN 设计大奖评选中,博德宝在“厨房-橱柜”("Kitchen-Cabinetry") 类别中获得殊荣。+MODO以其令人惊艳的独特维度、天然珍稀的材质、耳目一新的厨房中岛设计以及工艺精湛的紫罗红大理石操作台面,赢得了大奖评审团的一致认可。 作为全球设计领域最具权威性的设计类奖项之一,NYCxDESIGN设计大奖通...
NYCxDESIGN time is upon us. It's a season that always makes for an exciting time, but can also get a bit overwhelming when it comes to planning. That's why the editors at Core77 have put together a comprehensive guide to NYCxDESIGN 2023, recommending all the events we think are worth...
ahead of NYCxDESIGN 2023, held from may 18th -- 25th, designboom rounds up some of the must-see events and exhibitions across the city.