智通财经获悉,纽约社区银行(NYCB.US)的银行子公司Flagstar Bank,同意以约14亿美元的价格将其住宅抵押贷款服务业务出售给抵押贷款机构Mr. Cooper(COOP.US),交易预计将在2024年第四季度完成。交易... 网页链接 纽约社区银行一度跌超16% Q2信贷损失拨备远超预期 格隆汇7月25日|纽约社区银行(NYCB.US)盘初一度跌超...
The US New York Community Bank (NYCB) US stock fell 7% in the premarket, which is likely to continue the experience of closing down more than 22% on February 6. The translation is provided by third-party software. The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does...
金吾財訊 | 紐約社區銀行(NYCB)週四表示,已出售部分貸款獲利,並正在努力將倒閉的銀行Signature Bank納入其財務報告流程。 該銀行表示,第一季度將包括在3月13日出售價值8.99億美元的消費者貸款,並在2月底出售商業合作貸款。 NYCB由於其商業房地產業務而面臨貸款壓力,這導致投資者和分析師擔心,高借貸成本和低入住率導致...
First Bank是一家注册在新泽西的商业银行。在商业房地产提供了大量的贷款,存款和其他金融产品和服务,和商业和工业贷款给小型到中型的企业和个人。 类似最像的银行有商家$纽约社区银行(NYCB)$会跌破前低1.7吗?$硅谷国家银行(VLY)$- 20%or-30%?最强势的是$欧扎克银行(OZK)$会跌超过15%吗? 上两周的期权put已经...
Er en SWIFT-kode den samme for alle filialer? Må jeg ha et IBAN-nummer også? Ansvarsfraskrivelse Wise har ikke gjennomført noen forespørsler på de juridiske standpunktene til noen av bankene og de finansielle institusjonene som er listet her. ...
The bank's updated forecasts on Thursday suggested its turnaround could take longer. Losses this year could range between $2.20 and $2.30 per share, it said, worse than its earlier forecast of 50 cents to 55 cents. The bank lost $1.05 per share on an adjusted basis f...
回顾一下主要的时间线:去年3月,NYCB出手收购了一家倒闭的银行Signature Bank。然而,好景不长,1月31日,他们报告了意外的商业房地产贷款损失,并且大幅削减股息,结果被股东起诉,股价也跌到了近27年的低点。更糟糕的是,2月23日,现任CEO Thomas Cangemi通知公司,他决定辞去这些职位,但将继续留在董事会中。
The following Wall Street analysts have issued reports on New York Community Bancorp in the last twelve months: Barclays PLC, Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Piper Sandler, Raymond James, Royal Bank of Canada, StockNews.com, and Wedbush. View the latest analy...
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new york community bancorp, inc. (nyse: nycb) is one of the 25 largest bank holding companies in the nation, with assets of over $48 billion and a market cap of over $7 billion. with 270+ branches in metro new york, new jersey, florida, arizona, and ohio