The teacher refused to go back or help me make up what I missed. Somehow, I managed to go on and play in every group, orchestra, and band from grade 3 through high school graduation without knowing how to read Music1. And, no one ever found out! I was first in line when the ...
Three years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. I learned he had no insurance. I did the only thing I could do and gave him my wagon with new tires and the head gasket he had recently put in. Because after years of good will and stellar service, you pay it forward. Peter died April ...
It features interviews with a lot of the regulars like Nat Moore, Joe Rose, Solo D, 2023 Fan of the Year Chris Barker, plus interviews with Frank The Tank, Mary Martinez, the viral elementary school teacher and more. Another viral Dolfan, Kickball Dad, made the video as well. This ...
My new teacher took a photo of the only other student, named Chris, and I reading the book. You can’t tell but I am nervous and frustrated but it is the class that I both wanted and needed to take and am looking forward to continuing the course. I was just surprised to notice tha...