此資料集以 Parquet 格式儲存, 截至 2018 年,大約有 500M 列(5 GB)。 此資料集包含從 2009 年累積到 2018 年的歷程記錄。 在我們的 SDK 中,您可以使用參數設定來擷取特定時間範圍內的資料。 儲存位置 此資料集儲存於美國東部 Azure 區域。 建議您在美國東部配置計算資源,以確保同質性。 其他資訊 ...
This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft. Volume and retention This dataset is stored in Parquet format. There are about 1.5B rows (50 GB) in total as of 2018. ...
This dataset is stored in Parquet format. There are about 80M rows (2 GB) in total as of 2018. This dataset contains historical records accumulated from 2009 to 2018. You can use parameter settings in our SDK to fetch data within a specific time range. Storage location This dataset is sto...
NYC_taxi_dataset The aim of this project is to process NYC Taxi Trip Record Data. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/tlc/about/tlc-trip-record-data.page • Load raw data files to hdfs. • Transform them and write to parquets. How to prepare for running ...
process NYC Taxi Trip Record Data. Contribute to TadasSi/NYC_taxi_dataset development by creating an account on GitHub.
继承 OpenDatasetBase NycTaxiBase 构造函数 Python 复制 NycTaxiBase(start_date: datetime = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0), end_date: datetime = datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 13, 0, 0), cols: List[str] | None = None, limit: int | None = -1, enable_telemetry: bool = True...
The New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission Trip Record Data is a really nice dataset to get started with Data Engineering or teaching it. It has several nice properties that make it quite useful that we will show in this article. We will look at this data using only pandas, not introd...
azureml.opendatasets.NoParameterOpenDatasetBase azureml.opendatasets.NoaaGfsWeather azureml.opendatasets.NoaaIsdWeather azureml.opendatasets.NycSafety azureml.opendatasets.NycTaxiBase azureml.opendatasets.NycTlcFhv azureml.opendatasets.NycTlcGreen
此資料集以 Parquet 格式儲存, 到 2018 年為止,總共約有 15 億個資料列 (50 GB)。 此資料集包含從 2009 年累積到 2018 年的歷程記錄。 在我們的 SDK 中,您可以使用參數設定來擷取特定時間範圍內的資料。 儲存位置 此資料集儲存於美國東部 Azure 區域。 建議您在美國東部配置計算資源,以確保同質性。 其他資...
This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft. Volume and retention This dataset is stored in Parquet format. There are about 500M rows (5 GB) as of 2018. ...