Some weather models are hinting at a significant snowstorm this weekend for the New York City area, though uncertainty remains. While the American model predicts a major snowstorm, the European model shows snowfall, but in a lighter form. Meanwhile, bitter cold temperatures will remain for most...
NEW YORK-New York City may get itsfirst major snowstormin years this weekend on the heels ofMartin Luther King Jr. Dayand President-electDonald Trump’s inauguration. SNOW ON SUNDAY NYC:TIMELINElIMPACTSlPOLAR VORTEXlLIVE UPDATES "There is growing confidence that a winter storm will produce...
“I’m the mayor of the biggest city in America," Adams added, following remarks about the city’s preparations for a weekend snowstorm. "I’m supposed to speak with the president, like I spoke with President Biden.” Adams issued astatement Friday nightin which he stated the tw...
As the storm migrates to our region of the country, only snow is expected for us. That storm gets here in the early hours of Monday morning and will continue into Monday evening, ending by Monday night. CBS News New York This will not be a major snowstorm by any means, but some area...
This will not be a major snowstorm by any means, but some areas could see some decent snow totals. Forecast models have been consistent that this storm will take a southerly track, leaving the region on the northern fringe of it. That would lead to higher totals of snow south of the ...
The weather would have none of it. Saturday was the first snowstorm of the winter. Not a big storm, but cold, windy and with enough snow to mess things up a bit. Like the subway, but more on that later. NYRR switched the race to an unscored, non-competitive run; participants would ...
Despite the snowstorm, our driver, Jerome, still managed to get us there early. The stops are also very convenient both in Virginia/DC and Manhattan. I would highly recommend the Tripper Bus to everyone! Posted on Nicki I've only taken 1 Tripper bus, but it won't be my last. The ...
New York City Pauses Restaurant Dining Due to Covid, Snowstorm New York City is shutting down all indoor dining indefinitely as coronavirus enters its second wave of the infection spread. New Read More Devices and AppsNYC LocalStartups nycwired December 7, 2020December 16, 2020 funding, inno...
Great experience, very friendly and helpful staff, great hours even in a snowstorm. Jaewook Kim 7 years ago Good MK 7 years ago Jason Raziano 7 years ago Sara Cruz 7 years ago Great Communication. They emailed me all my order details and promptly when it was ready with an invoice. Faci...
What questions do you have about today's massive snowstorm? A powerful nor’easter is hitting the Northeast today, and New York City could see as much as two feet of snow. CNN’s Bill Weir is in lower Manhattan following all the latest developments and taking your questions. Leave them ...