Some say that the high level of training that San Diego’s officers undergo in order to prepare for aggressive DUI violation enforcement are to blame, but the lack of public transportation is just as likely a legitimate reason. Larger cities such as New York have a significantlylower number of...
Federal drug traffickingcases can often be legal matters that are prosecuted intensely by law enforcement officials who are zealous in their job performance. Federal Drug Enforcement Agency officers are as serious as federal prosecutors when they think they have the goods on a large scale drug traffi...
Do I need to hire a lawyer, or can I use a public defender? How much do NYC criminal lawyers charge? Should I ever admit I'm guilty to the police? If I refuse to answer officers' questions, can that be used against me? How to expunge criminal records?
Another possible defense isentrapment. Our goal with this defense is going to be prove that you were induced/persuaded, to commit a crime you wouldn’t have done so otherwise. This is a very real defense, especially in light of the accusations against law enforcement officers. This often come...
And the New York Public Officers Law requires that any person employed as a firefighter in FDNY be a resident of the City of New York or of Nassau, Westchester, Suffolk, Orange, Rockland or Putnam Counties. There are several other requirements listed in the appli...
Without question, police officers, state patrolmen, corrections officers and other public service employees have challenging jobs. However, this does not give them the right to overstep the legal boundaries by bringing false charges against someone or using unnecessary or excessive force. ...
Do I need to hire a lawyer, or can I use a public defender? How much do NYC criminal lawyers charge? Should I ever admit I'm guilty to the police? If I refuse to answer officers' questions, can that be used against me? How to expunge criminal records?
Another possible defense isentrapment. Our goal with this defense is going to be prove that you were induced/persuaded, to commit a crime you wouldn’t have done so otherwise. This is a very real defense, especially in light of the accusations against law enforcement officers. This often come...
Another possible defense isentrapment. Our goal with this defense is going to be prove that you were induced/persuaded, to commit a crime you wouldn’t have done so otherwise. This is a very real defense, especially in light of the accusations against law enforcement officers. This often come...
Finest Chauffeurs provides law enforcement officers to chauffeur clients’ in their vehicle or ours. We specialize in transporting C level executives, dignitaries & public figures. We can supply full time law enforcement chauffeurs, and back up chauffeurs if your primary chauffeur becomes ill. Fines...