During the Teaching Collaborative’s Field Experience, Partner Teachers submit a portfolio that highlights their growth and understanding of the skills learned throughout field experience, including sample lesson plans and a reflection on supporting diverse learners in the classroom. I found this post bu...
At the turn of the twentieth century,tuberculosiswas the second leading cause of death in the cityand a major world health concern known to disproportionately affect the urban poor. In New York City, two-thirds of the 30,000 afflicted were dependent on city agencies for treatment. Growing conc...
First, like other New York City pension plans, its contribution policy is more conservative than the typical public plan in the sense that city contributions rise relatively rapidly in response to investment shortfalls. This protects the solvency of the pension plan. The trade-off is greater risk...
First, like other New York City pension plans, its contribution policy is more conservative than the typical public plan in the sense that city contributions rise relatively rapidly in response to investment shortfalls. This protects the solvency of the pension plan. The trade-off is greater risk...
A large portion of those relocating are retirees. Moving to Miami from NYC is an excellent option as it can potentially reduce your overall living expenses. Florida is a state that does not take income taxes. For many, this is substantial and encourages a move. Another factor many debate ...
Millions of Americans receive health insurance through other federal and state health insurance plans. For example, millions of federal and state government employees, retirees and families have health insurance coverage paid for with taxpayer funds. Members of the armed forces and their families also ...