Sincerely, GeorgetteGestely Director NewYorkCityDeferredCompensationPlan OFFICEOFLABORRELATIONS DeferredCompensationPlan&NYCEIRA 22CortlandtStreet,28 th Floor,NewYork,NY,10007 Tel:212306-7760/TTY:212306-7707/OutsideNYC:888DCP-3113and888IRA-NYCE BoardMembers Mayorof...
NYPD officers also have a range of retirement options, including an annual $12,000 variable supplement after retirement, deferred compensation plans, and a pension/annuity fund with optional retirement at one-half salary after 22 years of service.3 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the...
NYC Seeking Equity Manager.The article discusses the request for proposals issued by the City of New York's office of labor relations for mid-cap equity growth investment management services for the mid-cap equity fund option in life deferred compensation plan of the city....