The Setup is bringing their nationally recognized comedy show to the back room of The Velvet, a private lounge that features exposed brick and rich red velvet accents. Our wonderful wait staff will serve you amazing food and drinks while you sit down for a hilarious night of comedy. The show...
West Side Comedy Club has quickly become a go-to spot for the top notch talent with a mix of up-and-comers and celebrity talent such as Bill Burr, Ronnie Chieng, Jessica Kirson, and so much more. Come join us for a hysterical night of laughter at a club
Film |A Monkey in Winter / Un Singe en Hiver(1962): French comedy-drama In the middle of World War II, Albert Quentin, a French innkeeper, promises to stop drinking alcoholmore New York City, NY; NYC Join the Club! Go! Mon, Feb 3 ...
Laura Sogar, just started. Together they explore all aspects of stand up, from joke writing to gender dynamics through their disparate levels of experience. They address the awkwardness and talk to comics about how comedy affects relationships and how relationships affect comedy....
The Metal Years in 2023 is a harrowing experience, for many reasons. The sheer amount of sexism, hedonism, desperation, alcohol abuse and unbridled debauchery is enough for you to question why you ever begged your mom for a Quiet Riot t-shirt back in 1983. But, what I admired more than...
He can currently be seen as a host and improv comedian at the Broadway Comedy Club for the Eight Is Never Enough and LMAO-NYC Interactive Comedy Shows as well as touring with their family friendly cousin, Improv 4 Kids. He is also an established improv teacher, having ...
Comedian Trixx explains the plight of having an African father at Chocolate Sundaes Comedy Show Hollywood’s hottest comedy show. They have live shows every Sunday at the world-famous Laugh Factory on the famous Sunset Strip. Chocolate Sundaes Comedy post hilarious content online updated daily! Con...
May 28-June 30, 2024 (The Comedy of Errors) June 29-September 6, 2024 (Much Ado About Nothing) Delacorte Theater, Central Park This summer, Shakespeare in the Park is going mobile around the 5 boroughs while the Delacorte Theater is being revitalized. Every year, stars such as Meryl Stree...
The things to do in Queens on Memorial Day Weekend include art exhibitions, theater, live music, comedy, dance, shopping, outdoor activities such as soccer, kyaking, baseball, parades, street fairs, museums and dining in the Astoria, Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, Long Island City, LIC, Sunnyside...
He can currently be seen as a host and improv comedian at the Broadway Comedy Club for the Eight Is Never Enough and LMAO-NYC Interactive Comedy Shows as well as touring with their family friendly cousin, Improv 4 Kids. He is also an established improv teacher, having ...