bbl: The BBL of the property activityThrough: The date of the bill. key: Whether this is an estimate of income or expense. value: The dollar amount of the estimate. Caveats The combination of self-reporting stabilization counts and occasionally missing tax bills means that a significant percent...
drop(columns= ['School Name', 'BoroughCode', 'Geographical District','Project Description','Building ID', 'Building Address', 'City','Borough','Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Community Board', 'Council District', 'Census Tract', 'BIN', 'BBL', 'NTA', 'Location 1', 'Data As Of']) ...
table- default:'BOTH'- Which table ('BBL'|'ADR') to return (only applicable to PAD dataset) sanitize- default:true- Removes extra whitespaces. (only applicable to PAD dataset) Ex. "EAST 45 STREET " becomes "EAST 45 STREET" Todo ...
This dataset is a record of every building or building unit (apartment, etc.) sold in the New York City property market over a 12-month period. Content This dataset contains the location, address, type, sale price, and sale date of building units sold. A reference on the trickier fields...
table - default: 'BOTH' - Which table ('BBL'|'ADR') to return (only applicable to PAD dataset) sanitize - default: true - Removes extra whitespaces. (only applicable to PAD dataset) Ex. "EAST 45 STREET " 变成 "EAST 45 STREET" Todo Add datasets - open an issue to suggest a da...
Example BBL route will redirect to Bounding Box Route For compliance with NYCLocal Law #40 of 2018, the Department of Housing Preservatio...