The New York Timesrevealed that it hasacquiredthe surprising word game hit Wordle. It makes sense. The newspaper has long been known for its iconic crossword puzzles and already maintains a stable of mostlyword-based games. The surprising and meteoric rise of a new game right in its wheelhous...
The game, which became a sensation late last year and was bought by The Times in January, gives users six tries to guess a different five-letter word each day. Yet The Times scrambled when it discovered that Monday’s word, which had been entered into Wordle’s computer program last year...
The game, which became a sensation late last year and was bought by The Times in January, gives users six tries to guess a different five-letter word each day. Yet The Times scrambled when it discovered that Monday’s word, which had been entered into Wordle’s computer program last year...
Can't get enough of Wordle? Try Mashable's free version now If it's NSFW, it's not safe forWordle.Followingthe saleof Josh Wardle's popular online puzzle game to theNew York Times, certain words have been removed from the game's dictionary. It's the first move in a multi-step proc...