-- The papers taken away by the said Ketchum were numerous, and formed a very large bundle; they were written in the handwriting of her husband, excepting a few which were written by a person who some times assisted her husband by copying or taking down as he dictated to him. The ...
S. has been all the way to Lockport to attend an abolotion convention, where he found good times and good friends -- especially in Lyman A. Spalding, author of 'Priestcradt Exposed,' 'Plain Truth,' and other Vol. IV. Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1838. No. 2. The Mormons again...
This farm was deeded by Nathan to his son Martin and in our next we will give some sketches of the life and times of this founder, as we might say, of the Church of Latter Day Saints, which is now drawing the attention of the civilized world toward their harum in the Salt Lake ...
Allow me to trouble you with these lines, which I wish you to insert in your Daily Times. My object is this: I have been for ten years a firm believer in the Latter Day Saints, or rather Mormonism. My parents became followers of the celebrated Joe Smith in an early day, and emigrat...
The text provided above has been compared with a reprint in the January 1840 issue of the Times and Seasons, and was found to be substantially accurate. Note 2: B. H. Roberts cites this Parley P. Pratt letter as having been published in the New Era, "impression of November 25, 1839...