John Buffalo MailerLet’s start withFahrenheit 9/11. I’ve seen it three times, and with each viewing I became more aware of Michael Moore’s tricks. I would say about 50 percent of the film is indisputable, particularly the portion on Iraq, but in the first half he uses too many nee...
which Miller now owns with Quincy Jones. Miller and Jones have since acquired the music magazineSpin. Miller also owns various sports-related publications he acquired from the New YorkTimes.His strategy is to control highly defined market categories....
No duo is more expert at providing that than Shaiman and Wittman; at times – several times, in fact – they out-Leiber-and-Stoller Leiber and Stoller with what struck me as ersatz rock and roll; there’s even the requisite R&B number belted to the rafters (most effectively, by Mary ...
Last week, I went to a press luncheon for a technology company – a pipes-and-wiring-and-conduit-technology company – where the CEO said, “Make no mistake, this company is the media company of the future.” This morning, I was reading in theTimesabout a friend of George W. Bush’s...