Set in a small Portuguese village named Glória do Ribatejo in the 1960s, the ten-part series follows João Vidal (played by Miguel Nunes), a young man whose family has connections with the leaders of the Estado Novo, the authoritarian Portuguese Regime. João works as an engineer at RAR...
Click here for a New York Times article about Bob Fass' archive which includes several short air-checks. The Review When Paul and Jessica contacted us over a year ago to see if we had any WBAI material, I had my doubts about the success of such an effort. After all, there aren't th...
ArchiveRadio Site LinksGuestbook/ContactLPs/CDs/Video/Books for saleMusic & Media SceneMusic - Movies & TV - Documentaries - Books - Radio Themes Click any thumbnail for a larger image.The Music SceneIt goes without saying that the progressive rock music scene was certainly important to FM ...
In a recent interview ( Michel says that he is doing this due to the stress of running the festival. I can understand this myself since running my store has also become more stressful in recent times. Will the ...
“Between Reflections†which is slower, more calm and sparse. Ms. Masaoka’s koto sounds even larger here as she strums intensely at times. The trio play a blues of sorts on “Cutting by the Poundââ‚...
President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report Sunday in The New York Times.
“It’s been exhilarating and exciting and the response we’ve received from friends and professional connections and former colleagues has been overwhelming and made it all worthwhile,” he said. “We’ve been working a lot, nights and weekends, to get where we are today. It’s been worth...
Sophie has come a long, long way. In Victorian England she learned that she was of the same Malkavian bloodline as the faux-Salomé, a bloodline called the Dacians, tied to the Tzimisce since the times of the ancient Greeks. Sophie has grown a lot less frivolous, and a century of self...
“New York’s a special place,” Rodriguez said. “I’ve had my trials and tribulations here in New York. I’ve learned from them. I’ve had some great times and I’ve had some good times and I’ve had some tough times. Today kind of brings it full circle. Maybe there’s a ha...
Leslie Revsin was hired as a “kitchen man”—a low-level position—at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1972, according to The New York Times. She would rapidly climb the ladder and go on to become the first woman to lead the kitchen of a major hotel, as well as a cookbook author and ...