Known for his explosive athleticism and exceptional pick-and-roll skills, Stoudemire earned an All-NBA Second Team selection in 2011 and was named an All-Star three times with the Knicks. Although injuries ultimately limited his time on the court, Stoudemire's impact during his tenure remains a...
Times have changed in the Beehive State, driven by innovative brewers like Epic Brewing and its relentless Big Bad Baptista (BBB) line of stouts. Another appearance on our list by a barrel-aged stout, this no-head, jet-black beer garners deep praise. The entire family of BBB stouts have...
In order to create the dollars needed to play the best pitcher on the board (Felix Hernandez), I put inRussell Martinat C as the 4th Jays player. In case you haven’t noticed – Twins OFDanny Santanahas been bringing in 8.7 PPG as a $2400 cost to the budget. Give me that productio...
It was reported gloomily in "The Musical Times" 1 Sept. 1877 that "all [the English unica] should have been purchased for the British Museum; now unfortunately it is too late, as a large proportion are on their way to New York" (the winning bidder was Joseph W. Drexel, who later ...
While playing for a variety of teams, including Pace, Masters Del, Pace/Bootlegger, and Marlen Floor, Shoniker earned All-World honors three times. His best season was 1987 when he was named MVP of the Class AA World Series in Chattanooga, Tenn., after leading Pace/Bootlegger to the titl...
install upgrades and features that clients request as their business grows. If your website does not keep up with the times then it becomes old and stale and visitors tend to gravitate toward up-to-date websites that offer more interaction that traditionally found in static HTML/CSS web ...
best sellers in while staying at Mrs. Clemens' family home, has been moved to the grounds of Elmira College where it is open for visitors. There are several famous people buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, including football legend Ernie Davis (also on this list). Signs directing you ...