必须包含有四门CA BAR Exam科目的课程,并且这四门课程所佔总学分数不得低于12学分。 上述四门课程中,有一门一定要是与律师伦理职业道德相关,该门课程内容必须包含California Rules of Professional Conduct, relevant sections of the California Business and Professions Code, the ABA Model Rules of Professional Cond...
必须包含有四门CA BAR Exam科目的课程,并且这四门课程所佔总学分数不得低于12学分。 上述四门课程中,有一门一定要是与律师伦理职业道德相关,该门课程内容必须包含California Rules of Professional Conduct, relevant sections of the California Business and Professions Code, the ABA Model Rules of Professional Cond...
the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, and leading federal and state case law on the subject. 如果是在加州以外的学校修的职业伦理道德课程,则可能会被要求必须证明该课程内容涵盖“加州的”律师职业伦理道德部分,才符合这一科目的学分要求。
RulesofProfessionalConduct,whereanattorneyknowsthatthecounterpartyinalawsuitis representedbycounsel,itisadisciplinaryviolationforthatattorneytospeaktothecounterparty, andinparticulartoquestionthecounterpartyaboutthecaseathand,withoutthepermission, presenceorwaiverofthecounterpartyscounsel.Here,Norafiledsuitbyherattorney,and...
The hotline is to be operated under Rule 6.5 of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct which, among other things, requires lawyers providing pro bono services under a government-sponsored program to "secure the client's informed consent to the limited scope of the representation." In an ...
RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: 1.1, 1.6, 5.1, 5.3 A full copy of the committee’s opinion is available,here.
Also of interest is that on April 1, 2009, new rules of professional conduct will go into effect in New York as describedhereand codifiedhere. Much of the language regarding lawyer advertising can be found in Rule 7.1. I haven't reviewed the new rules extensively at this point, but they...
There have been quite few suggestions about what an online poker industry might look in NY. After all, the state has been trying to pass legislation for half a decade now, and some of those proposals have stuck. As a result, the current rules would most likely be something similar to: ...
The pre-trial discovery phase of litigation is critical to uncovering evidence crucial to proving the validity of our client’s case or defense. We carefully and relentlessly utilize the New York rules of pre-trial discovery in order to obtain important evidence that our adversary would prefer be...
The pre-trial discovery phase of litigation is critical to uncovering evidence crucial to proving the validity of our client’s case or defense. We carefully and relentlessly utilize the New York rules of pre-trial discovery in order to obtain important evidence that our adversary would prefer be...