En ny praksis åbner nu op for bedre muligheder ved generationsskifter, hvor successionsreglerne anvendes, idet der nu synes at være adgang til at foretage en konkret vurdering af de kapitalposter, hvor ejerandelen er under 25 %. Hvis ejerskabet har en tilstrækkelig relevans og...
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Digital Labor and Mobile Work" • Nov 2009, The Internet as Playground and Factory, The New School, New York, NY "Building the Open Source City: New Work Environments for Collaboration and Innovation" • Jun 2009, "Digital Cities" workshop, Communities and Technologies conference, Penn Stat...
To believe Zimmerman’s [self-defense] scenario, you have to believe that Trayvon, an unarmed boy, a boy so thin that people called him Slimm, a boy whose mother said that he had not had a fight since he was a preschooler, chose that night and that man to attack. You have to belie...
The living room, with handsome mahogany furniture, is where Joe planned his first winning political race as a ninth-grader for class president, using a poster of himself perched on the roof of his house with the slogan VOTE FOR ME OR I’LL JUMP. Even though the Lieberman-family bio was ...