SCHENECTADY – The City of Schenectady and the Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region announced a Small Business Assistance Program to award $250,000 in grants and technical assistance to local small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.Additional Info... ...
If you require housing assistance, once enrolled you are eligible to request a housing application from your NYLC Advisor. Step 3: Completing Tuition Payments Full tuition payments are due 14 days prior to your Program Start date. Isabella Leonardi ...
Nationally recognized planning and design experts helped map out New Rochelle’s unparalleled plan for growth. The city will soon benefit from a surge in new retail, commercial, office and hotel space – combined with economically diverse, high-quality housing. A phased implementation will ensure su...
The Town of Gouverneur's Housing Rehabilitation Program has received funding through HUD Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars, administered through the NYS Office of Community Renewal to provide assistance to homeowners for rehabilitation activities necessary to help alleviate substan...
Overall, O’Flaherty said the report ignored well-regarded research that shows public subsidies can help homeless people find new homes, and instead asserted without evidence that simply increasing mental health and drug treatment programs without housing assistance would decrease the homeless population....
电话:718-438-9500 (接通后请咨询 “daycare program” 或“Promise NYC”) 电邮,, 或 让-弗朗索瓦表示:“我们帮助的大多数人都无法进行在线申请,因此我们通过电话或面谈的方式支持他们完成申请。”...
Rather than focus on offering roadside assistance to those who have had the misfortune of getting stalled in non parking spaces, tow truck drivers and operators will simply load and haul stalled vehicles. Teresa Murray, one of the members of the PIRG watch group explained that if the ban on ...
Mt Sinai West Addiction Institute of New York located at 1000 10th Avenue in New York City, New York, is a rehabilitation center that helps those who are seeking assistance for alcohol and drug addiction. Mt Sinai West Addiction Institute of New York provides addicts of the ages 18+ with pr...
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)Lifeline Telephone Service Program (Lifeline)Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)MedicaidVeterans Disability or Survivors PensionSupplemental Security Income (SSI)Federal Public Housing AssistanceChild Health PlusBureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (if livi...
Because it is Mohawk Valley Community College’s goal that every student succeed, academic counseling and tutoring isoffered on-campus for no additional charge. There are also informal, class-specific study groups that students may choose to participate in to either give or get academic assistance....