4、非Jetson系统,需设置交叉编译链接 新$ export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/ps/Desktop/jetson_nx/gcc/bin/arrch64-buildroot-linux-gnu- 旧$ export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/ps/Desktop/jetson_nx/gcc/bin/arrch64-linux-gnu- (其实就是解压的gcc交叉编译工具中的bin路径加/arrch64-buildroot-linux-gnu-或/arrch64...
bc2001•Junior Member• Posts: 34 Mac and NX Studio Oct 18, 2023 It is taking about 15 seconds to export an image to my desktop etc. I am reducing the NEF image to an 8bit tiff. Any ideas as to how to I=reduce the time?
当企业逐步发展、有一定预算后,则可以升级为vividime Desktop Professional、永洪云独享版,延伸出更多数据应用场景,进一步提升效率和专业度。同时企业也可部署企业级BI平台vividime X-Suite/Z-Suite,实现更为丰富的企业级数据管理。 2012年成立至今,已完成腾讯领投的2亿元C轮融资,业绩保持300%~500%的年增长率,拥有...
计算机网络熟悉; 4、熟悉客户端相关知识和常用框架,对其底层原理有深入的理解; 5、理解设计模式,在项目或产品中有很好的设计实践; 6、具有良好的团队合作精神和沟通协作能力,对待工作积极主动,能接受挑战; 7、有协同办公、即时通讯产品开发经验优先; 加分项: Android Desktop/Pad端APP开发经验,能会一点Framework的更...
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As part of the team, you will develop, design and deploy distributed bac直聘kend services that poweBOSS直聘r our desktop client and Ubisoft’s PC titles with focus on high availability, low latency and scalability. You will be using a wide spectrum of technologies ranging from Protocol Buffers...