Julián_AragónM NXP TechSupport Hi @rgr, Refer to chapter 4 (Ordering Information) from the S32K3xx Data Sheet: The suffix in your part number indicates if ISELED is supported or not. Please check if your part number includes this suffix. Best regards,Julián 0 Kudos Reply 12-13...
—Up to 32 pins with interrupt support 类似零件编号 - S32K3XX 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsS32K3XX 1Mb/141PSupports S32K344, S32K324, S32K314, S32K312, S32K341 and S32K342. Data is preliminary for S32K311, S32K310, S32K328, S32K338, S32K348, S32K358 and S32K...
Hi, I am currently working on the MPU for the S32K322 controller and have encountered a Hardfault issue when enabling MPU_ENABLE in the startup code.
NXP 提供针对 S32K3x 系列的 SDK,可以到官网:S32 Design Studio 3.5.0 Development Package with support for S32K3xx devices 下载开发环境配套的基础开发包,以及 S32K3_S32M27x Real-Time Drivers AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 4.0.0 下载RTD_4.0.0 版本的 RTD 驱动。 功能描述 大联大世平集团所提供的客制...
打开EB tresos 新建工程,取消勾选默认路径,选择之前在 S32DS 建立的工程目录中的 Tresos_Project 文件夹,注意这里封装了两层。 输入ECU ID,目标是 S32K3xx,将默认生成代码的路径改成S32ds工程文件下的Generate文件夹,链接到之前在 S32DS 工程中建立的 Generate 文件夹。
NXP 提供针对 S32K3x 系列的 SDK,可以到官网:S32 Design Studio 3.5.0 Development Package with support for S32K3xx devices 下载开发环境配套的基础开发包,以及 S32K3_S32M27x Real-Time Drivers AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 4.0.0 下载 RTD_4.0.0 版本的 RTD 驱动。功能描述 大联大世平集团所提供...
1. Go to Add-On Manager in MATLAB and select the NXP Support Package S32K1xx toolbox to install the Installer Guide. 2. Select Open Folder option to navigate to the installation path. 3. Run NXP_Support_Package_S32K1xx script and follow the next quick steps as guided by the installer...
NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox Team (2025).NXP Support Package S32K1xx(https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/64740-nxp-support-package-s32k1xx), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜:2025/2/23. FEATURED DISCUSSION ...
S32K3XX-ADAPTERSReceive alerts Roll over image to zoom in This product is highly customized and built-to-order. Please contact you local sales representative to start a conversation. The S32K3xx family of hardware tools enable access to the complete suite of trace and debug capabilities that ...
—Up to 32 pins with interrupt support 类似零件编号 - S32K312 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsS32K312 1Mb/141PSupports S32K344, S32K324, S32K314, S32K312, S32K341 and S32K342. Data is preliminary for S32K311, S32K310, S32K328, S32K338, S32K348, S32K358 and S32K...