恩智浦半导体NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) 以其领先的射频、模拟、电源管理、接口、安全和数字处理方面的专长,提供高性能混合信号(High Performance Mixed Signal)和标准产品解决方案。这些创新的产品和解决方案可广泛应用于汽车、智能识别、无线基础设施、照明、工业、移动、消费和计算等领域。公司在全球逾2...
恩智浦半导体NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) 以其领先的射频、模拟、电源管理、接口、安全和数字处理方面的专长,提供高性能混合信号(High Performance Mixed Signal)和标准产品解决方案。这些创新的产品和解决方案可广泛应用于汽车、智能识别、无线基础设施、照明、工业、移动、消费和计算等领域。公司在全球逾2...
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Our ESG mission is to enable a better, safer, more secure and more sustainable world through innovation. That mission has given rise to a series of goals that inform our efforts and enable us to gauge our performance and celebrate our accomplishments. ...
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NXP is a global semiconductor company creating solutions that enable secure connections for a smarter world.
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