lvgl一直缺那么一个图形化的设计器,虽然lvgl git上也有人在做,但都差强人意,而且和llvgl版本绑定...
这个过程的顺序在不同的IDE下会略有不同,但是机制和内容相同。 5.3. GUI-Guider-1.4.1-GA 在NXP官网对应的MCU型号下的开发工具栏中选择需要的工具进行下载,GUI-Guider-1.4.1-GA下载后直接安装。此软件工具,用于创建LVGL的工程,并可以进行可视化的界面设计。 6. 创建应用工程 6.1. 导入SDK例程 打开MCUXpresso ID...
To find a complete list of our partners that support this software, please see ourPartner Marketplace. Training Done Filter by Online On-Demand Duration 21-40 min 1 trainings On-Demand Getting Started with GUI Guider 25 minEnglish Account Required...
J-Link probes are fully supported by MCUXpresso IDE and MCUXpresso for VS Code. HMI Design Software GUI Guider HMI designer from NXP that enables the rapid development of high quality displays with the open-source LVGL graphics library.
在NXP官网对应的MCU型号下的开发工具栏中选择需要的工具进行下载,GUI-Guider-1.4.1-GA下载后直接安装。此软件工具,用于创建LVGL的工程,并可以进行可视化的界面设计。 6. 创建应用工程 6.1. 导入SDK例程 打开MCUXpresso IDE后,有三个入口可以进入导入例程界面: ...
分享回复赞 ucos_emwin_ucgui吧 baiyongbin2014 各种GUIBuilder体验TouchGFX,AppWizard,GUIX Studio,Embedded Wizard,AWTK,柿饼UI,LVGL,Qt fot MCU等首次使用时,直观的一些感受。(1)TouchGFX现代化,人性化设计这块,确实TouchGFX更高一筹 ,显示中文也非常方便,缺点仅ST家可以使用,因为已经... +7 分享1赞 智能家居加...
Frequently, we receive questions related to the DQS pins present on i.MXRT whether how to use it and what it is exactly the function of this as well as why it is important to use it. The goal of this document is answering common questions and expose the most common ...
Design Your Next Graphical UI for Industrial HMI Applications Using NXP's i.MX RT1170 MCU, GUI Guider and LVGL Learn more about the i.MX RT1170 MCU and see how LVGL and GUI Guider make it easy to design your next embedded GUI.
扩展板中心(EBH) 在这里,您不仅可以找到恩智浦及其合作伙伴提供的各种扩展板,还可以获取与MCUXpresso SDK兼容的驱动程序和示例代码。 设计资源 MCUXpresso培训库 培训 浏览有关MCUXpresso软件和工具的不同培训。 MCUXpresso视频库 视频 浏览工具、软件、演示等各个不同视频以及快速入门视频。
i.MX RT1050 is a high performance, low power crossover MCU powered by the Arm Cortex-M7 core running at 600 MHz with 32KB/32KB I/D cache. Supported by MCUXpresso.