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The structural phase transition in the ferroelectric semiconductor alloy series SnxGe1-xTe has been investigated using high-precision x-ray techniques. The spontaneous strain occurring at the cubicrhombohedral transition has been measured as a function of temperature for 0.53<x<0.87 and a changeover fr...
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Thinking styles and the big five personality traits revisitedThinking stylesPersonality traitsThis article had two objectives. The first was to further explore the utility of measuring intellectual styles (a general term encompassing such sty...
NexGen Energy(ASX:NXG)开始了一项43,000米的探矿钻探计划,以进一步测试最近在加拿大帕特森走廊东部识别出的矿化程度和增长。 MT Newswires01/31 10:02 NexGen Energy下跌超过14%,有望创下自2020年3月以来的最大百分比下降 -- 数据讨论 NexGen Energy Ltd. (NXE) 目前价格为 $6.20,下跌 $1.04 或 14.36% -...