nx许可证错误无法连接到服务器-10004 http://www.ugsnx.com/thread-203829-1-1.html (出处: UG爱好...
I face the problem when I open NX12 it show message error >>> License error, Error server not connected.[-10004] <<< and I already tried and check as below Start-stop service Check composite - host id - comp name both of license file and PC Set in - Out bo...
brand new to NX - i have installed and now trying to connect to our network license server. i get error -83 in the Siemens licensing tool, and i get an NX Initialization Error/License Error, Server Not Connected [-10004] when trying to run NX12. i can ping the server. and another ...
很多朋友从低版本转到高版本,发现加工模块找不到drill模板。新版本逐步将会用新增的hole_making模板取代drill模板,但是很多人不适应hole_making模板,还是想回用原来的drill模板,那么怎么调出呢? 在UG安装目录下面D:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\NX 12.0\\MACH\\resource\\template_set找到cam_general文件,用记事...
我有一台台式机装UG12,安装好以后提示10004,security center 已经调成自动,360这类杀毒软件全卸载了...
我公司的电脑是 安装8.0和进玉外挂后出现的 -10004 按论坛方法试了一遍 不行 重装UG死活连...
[已回复] nx许可证错误无法连接到服务器-10004 火.. ...23456..16 不想@说话 2018-3-1 152177730 UG12.0-0 2024-8-19 09:34 [已回复] 有没有像唐工NX8.5教程那样详细的NX12的教程 火 - [回帖奖励 76 ] ...23456..9 平推对面5坨便便 2020-3-16 8814547 春雨与游 2024-8-23 11:48 [已...
ug-10004问题的关键在于,lmgrd,ugslmd,ugraf.exe这 三个程序联网是否OK,不需要有网络,但是务必不能被...