Learn CAD/CAM software with NX Student Edition Comprehensive 3D design tools, including solid, surface, wire-frame and synchronous modeling Full suite of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programming tools to program 2- to 5-axis and multifunction computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools Soph...
New user?Create a Siemens account or Comprehensive 3D design tools Perform solid, surface, wire-frame and synchronous modeling. Full suite of CAM programming tools Program 2- to 5-axis and multifunction CNC (computer numerical control) machine tools....
Learn CAD/CAM software with NX Student Edition Comprehensive 3D design tools, including solid, surface, wire-frame and synchronous modeling Full suite of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programming tools to program 2- to 5-axis and multifunction computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools Soph...
Start your career with the free student edition of NX CAD. It provides comprehensive 3D design tools, as well as a full suite of CAM manufacturing tools
2 years ago Anyone please help how i can download LikeLikedUnlikeReply Dennis de Brouwer 2 years ago The issue with the Download of the student edition should now be solved, and you should be able to download it again. Kind regards, Dennis LikeLikedUnlikeReply Log In to AnswerStart...
The student edition of NX continues to be free and is being used by students all around the globe. We were lucky enough to receive feedback from engineering
I installed the student version given by my university but I have the message "license error: feature has expired [-10]". Who to contact? siemens? but how to contact them? Thanks LikeReply vanessab 3 years ago Hi @Jerico thank you for reaching out regarding the NX Student Editi...
Erfahren Sie, wie die NX CAD/CAM-Software mit Ihnen wachsen kann Nur die integrierte Konstruktions- und Fertigungssoftware NX von Siemens ermöglicht es Unternehmen jeder Größe, die Vorteile des digitalen Zwillings zu nutzen. Erfahren Sie, wie NX kleinen Betrieben zum Erfolg verhilft ...
Having an integrated, collaborative electromechanical design is one of many ways Siemens Digital Industries software helps you break down the barriers to innovation. An electromechanical design solution The electrical and electronic content in electronic devices becomes increasingly more complex. This creates...
Join Siemens Digital Industries Software at NX Student Day 2024 for insights on how to use NX to boost your engineering experience and prepare for your career.