1.Delete Component(删除组件) 当要删除组件时,先在对话框中选择Delete Component选项,再在绘图工作区中选择要删除组件的尺寸,然后选择尺寸中要删除的部分,可以是尺寸线、箭头、延长线或尺寸文本。完成选择后,则尺寸中的所选对象会被删除。 2.Move Component(移动组件) 当要移动组件时,先在对话框中选择Move Compone...
1.Delete Component(删除组件)当要删除组件时,先在对话框中选择Delete Component选项,再在绘图工作区中选择要删除组件的尺寸,然后选择尺寸中要删除的部分,可以是尺寸线、箭头、延长线或尺寸文本。完成选择后,则尺寸中的所选对象会被删除。2.Move Component(移动组件)当要移动组件时,先在对话框中选择Move Component选...
We don't have 2312 in use, so I can't check for myself, but if I understand correctly, this new Assemble command is a quick way to put a component in place, without any sort of constraint to keep it there? If so, I can see it already, users will be...
Hi @Broady , Although I had been working in an assembly, I went ahead and re-selected "Assemblies" under the Applications tab. I then tried to drag and drop another component and it looked like it was going to work, but an error popped up stating that the assembly...
Reference sets are used to represent the component parts with simplified geometry/different state of the geometry with the options to filter and control the display of a component or subassembly part in higher level assemblies. 在装配中,由于各部件含有草图、基准平面及其它辅助图形数据,如果要显示装配...
Dim c As Component = part1.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent Dim children As Component() = c.GetChildren() For Each child As Component In children child.SetAttribute("MY_ATTRIBUTE", "12345") 'More processing 'Code to move Components Next Denis Huskic Data Prep NX7.5 Kettering University Class ...
NXOpen::AssemblyComponentBuilder*component,doublex,doubley, doublez) { //创建一个点对象,用于指定组件的新位置 NXOpen::PointBuilder*point=theSession-Points()- CreatePoint(x,y,z); //移动组件到新位置 component-MoveTo(point); //输出移动信息 ...
Dim arrangement1 As Assemblies.Arrangement = CType(workPart.ComponentAssembly.Arrangements.FindObject("Arrangement 1"), Assemblies.Arrangement) componentPositioner1.PrimaryArrangement = arrangement1 componentPositioner1.BeginMoveComponent() Dim network1 As Positioning.Network ...
装配部分 2008.SiemensProductLifecycleManagementSoftwareInc.Allrightsreserved SiemensPLMSoftware 装配导航器AssemblyNavigator装配导航器现在非图形部件也可以显示到装配导航器中,如胶水你可以在ComponentProperties对话框中,指定非图形部件的数量可以通过更新装配结构来更新零件明细表.2008.SiemensProductLifecycleManagementSoftware...
Automatic exploded views are several times faster than manual exploded views. This automated process eliminates the need to manually reposition each component in the assembly. What can I do and what’s new? •Supports assemblies with and without constraints ...