nx.diameter(graph) 返回图G的直径(最长最短路径的长度) nx.average_shortest_path_length(graph) 则返回图G所有节点间平均最短路径长度。 四、度匹配性 接着之前的笔记包含的度的概念,我们可以把网络中节点按度大小从小到大排列,度为0的点,度为1的点如此类推,这样子对节点分类,度为0的点,度为1的点, 如此...
mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G) features = pd.Series features['mst_avg_shortest'] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(mst) closeness_centrality = (pd .Series(list(nx .closeness_centrality(mst) .values)) .describe) forstatincloseness_centrality.index[1:]: features[f'mst_centrality_{stat}'...
print("Shortest path length from 1 to 5:", nx.shortest_path_length(G, 1, 5)) 5.3 聚类系数 计算图的聚类系数,它衡量了图中节点的邻居之间的连接紧密程度。 python print("Clustering coefficient of node 1:", nx.clustering(G, 1)) print("Average clustering coefficient of the graph:", nx.ave...
shortest_paths ├─ generic │ ├─ has_path │ ├─ shortest_path │ └─ shortest_path_length ├─ unweighted │ ├─ all_pairs_shortest_path │ ├─ all_pairs_shortest_path_length │ ├─ bidirectional_shortest_path │ ├─ single_source_shortest_path │ ├─ single_source_shortest_...
switch(config)# show routing ipv4 memory estimate routes 262144 next-hops 32 Shared memory estimates: Current max 512 MB; 78438 routes with 64 nhs in-use 2 MB; 2642 routes with 1 nhs (average) Configured max 512 MB; 78438...
switch(config)# show routing ipv4 memory estimate routes 262144 next-hops 32 Shared memory estimates: Current max 512 MB; 78438 routes with 64 nhs in-use 2 MB; 2642 routes with 1 nhs (average) Confi...
(for free-standing arrangement) Arc test current 31.5 kA Test duration 1s Test setup According to IEC 62271-200 Annex AA: Minimum wall distance 800 mm for accessible sides 1) Average values depending on the degree to which panels are equipped 2) Panels with 1100 mm high low-voltage ...
346 Moving Average from Data Stream ♥ Python fix-sized queue or dequeue, O(1) and O(n) 347 Top K Frequent Elements Python Java 1. Sort by frequency, O(nlogn) and O(n). 2. we can build a min heaq (based on frequency), then pop min until there are k element, O(klgn) ...
// Average multi-byte ratio $ratio = $mb_length / strlen($str); // Base64 has a 4:3 ratio $offset = $avgLength = floor($length * $ratio * .75); for ($i = 0; $i < $mb_length; $i += $offset) { $lookBack = 0; do { ...
Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 9.3(1), you can configure LPM Internet-peering routing mode in order to support IPv4 and IPv6 LPM Internet route entries. This mode supports dynamic Trie (tree bit lookup) for IPv4 prefixes (with a pr...