SummaryNewsProfileEarningsPeersFinancialsOptionsOwnership KEY STATS Open0.00 Day High0.00 Day Low0.00 Prev Close28.46 52 Week High30.69 52 Week High Date02/19/25 52 Week Low22.65 52 Week Low Date05/09/24 Market Cap16.148B Shares Out567.40M 10 Day Average Volume3.06M Dividend0.20 Dividend Yield...
Momentum investors, who live by the saying "the trend is your friend," are most interested in taking advantage of upward or downward trends in a stock's price or earnings outlook. Utilizing one-week price change and the monthly percentage change in earnings estimates, among other factors, the...
The bid & ask refers to the price that an investor is willing to buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest amount that a buyer is currently willing to pay, whereas the ask is the lowest amount that a seller is currently willing to sell. The numbers next to the bi...
New 52 Week High Today News Corp Class ANWSA:NASDAQ RT Quote|Last NASDAQ LS, VOL From CTA|USD After Hours:Last |02/19/25 EST 30.49UNCH(UNCH) Volume 126,168 Close 30.49+0.28(+0.93%) Volume 2,608,915 52 week range 22.65-30.69 ...
Current Price $1,003.15 NYSE: DIS Walt Disney Market Cap $196B Current Price $108.66 NASDAQ: GOOG Alphabet Market Cap $2.2T Current Price $181.58 Premium Investing Services Invest better with The Motley Fool. Get stock recommendations, portfolio guidance, and more from The Motley Fool's premium...
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