The TAF includes forecast wind speed and direction, visibility, ceiling, and the type of precipitation and/or weather phenomenon (if applicable). Decision Support Services (DSS) When hazardous weather is a concern, our partners may request DSS to increase their public safety efforts. Our ...
The National Weather Service says the highest wind gust in the state over the past two days was in Redwood Falls.
The meteorological setup for April 12, 2022, was highlighted by an upper low passing over the northern Rockies into the northern Great Plains. Its associated jet core (or highest wind speeds in the jet stream) passed over New Mexico. This map (right) shows wind speeds at the 700mb level,...
It may only take a fraction of an inch of snow to cause commuting gridlock across a metropolitan area. And an unexpected shift in wind speed may be all it takes to greatly impact the generation of power increasingly dependent on renewable energy from wind farms.Andrew Stern...
• wind speed and direction, • geomagnetic activity index, • humidity • dew point. • Severe weather alerts and notifications about changes in weather conditions are available as notifications on your Apple Watch. • Apple Watch app displays weather for active city (in your iPhone app...
wind = Wind( degree = getWindDegree(result.windDirection), speed = if (!result.windSpeed.isNullOrEmpty() && result.windSpeed.contains(" km/h")) { result.windSpeed.replace(" km/h", "").toDoubleOrNull()?.div(3.6)?.toFloat() } else null ), relativeHumidity = result.relativeHumidity?....
wind speeds in excess of 60 and 70 mph were reported near Santa Teresa, Las Cruces, and White Sands. In fact, large trees were blown down across the New Mexico State University campus. The strongest wind speed of the day was a whopping 92 mph east-northeast of Doña Ana. Flash ...
Also known as: USWB, United States Weather Bureau Written by John P. Rafferty John P. Rafferty writes about Earth processes and the environment. He serves currently as the editor of Earth and life sciences, covering climatology, geology, zoology, and other topics that relate to... ...