Notes RequiresShadows of Undrentide. Often only 1 level of shadowdancer is taken to gain access to the hide in plain sight feat. This has led to many servers imposing minimum-level restrictions for this class. Epic shadowdancers can come into their own, especially multiclass rogue/shadowdancers...
- Rogue stone 对装有上述物品的魔法工作台(magic workbench)施放resist energy 超强酸液抗性盔甲: 酸液抗性 30 要求: 施法者等级 11, 技能:制造魔法武器和盔甲 - 任意盔甲 - Glowing Earth Essence - King's tear 对装有上述物品的魔法工作台(magic workbench)施放resist energy 超强寒冷抗性盔甲: 寒冷抗性...
I tried replaying prophet not long ago. My enjoyment did not live up to the nostalgia. It's fine, but a lot more combat heavy than I remembered. I might try again soon, see if I can push through it with a more melee oriented person or sneak past all the fighting as a rog...
I'm a newcomer to these classics, having recently played the Baldur's Gate games for the first time last year; they're now my absolute favorite games of all time.
52) He is a very honest Rogue. Example: Honest Rogue: Dear Guard, I am turning myself in. Guard: What? Honest Rogue: Instead of trying to find the cure, I have been stealing and robbing people. So, being a honest person, I decided to turn myself at the mercy of Tyr. Gu...
[Test server] Can't level past 6 rogue Adnihilo 1 Replies 198 Views December 29, 2024, 11:15:11 AM by EO PalBank claim retrieval fails Weyland 4 Replies 806 Views December 15, 2024, 05:07:03 PM by Weyland Feytouched Caliban Runt Head Models Alcoholic Squirrel (Birdman) 2 Rep...
The second opponent is a masked fighter/rogue/assassin. She can hit for a fair bit of damage, but can't absorb much herself. Just watch out for attacks of opportunity/sneak attack damage if you try to use potions or items during the fight. The third opponent is a large frost giant. ...
Mr___Rogue 24-04-27 01:12 发布于 福建 来自 泉州超话 #福建一城市发布一季度GDP2610.20亿# 泉州超话 抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 同时评论给 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... ...
(Not to mention it probably ensures you'll never find another useful magical weapon in a treasure chest again since crafting systems on servers have ~always~ spell the end of loot tables and the rogue class in my experience.)Believe me, if the crafting system is abusable, I'll be the ...