63) She is a ranger who is allergic to almost everything outside city walls. 64) He is a wizard/weapon master/pale master who dresses in black, speaks with a unnecessarily loud and dramatic voice, wields a scythe and a bone mask. If he sees dead people he takes a broken hourglass...
The'Spells'tabwilldisplaytheknownspellsforeachclassthatlearnsspells.Classesthatdonotlearnspells(Cleric,Druid,Paladin,Ranger)willnotbedisplayedsincetheavailablespellsaredeterminedbytheclasslevel. Notethatsomeofthecharacterattributefieldsinasavegamearenotusedwhenthegameisloadedandareinsteadcalculatedbaseduponothercharact...
Classes that do not learn spells (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger) will not be displayed since the available spells are determined by the class level. Note that some of the character attribute fields in a save game are not used when the game is loaded and are instead calculated based upon ...
The 'Spells' tab will display the known spells for each class that learns spells. Classes that do not learn spells (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger) will not be displayed since the available spells are determined by the class level.