MAP(Measures of Academic Progress),是一种基于网络的电脑自适应测试,由NWEA(美国西北测试协会)开发,并在全球160多个国家广泛使用,是衡量 K-12 年级学生数学、阅读、语言运用和科学方面的成绩和成长的最值得信赖的创新评估。 由于MAP测试从幼儿园到高中毕业采用的是一套稳定不变的评分体制,该测试可以用分数(RIT值量...
NWEA/Wowzers Mission:To personalize learning by using MAP Growth RIT Scores to prescribe an individualized learning path in the Wowzers Math program for each student. Learn more about theWowzers-NWEA partnershiporDownload the PDF. How does Wowzers & NWEA MAP Growth work?
Sizable Increase in NWEA® MAP® Growth™ Math and Reading Scores in First Year of Exact Path Implementation Full Report Brief A rigorous study examined the impact of Exact Path usage in grades K-6 on NWEA MAP Growth scores in math and reading during the 2021-2022 scho...
Using NWEA MAP to Support Student Growth
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testing score chart is a prediction of how well your student will perform in the future based on their past performance. It is the sum of the current RIT score plus the Growth Projection in the table to the right. This is a prediction of your student’s NWEA MAP Score on future tests....
grew significantly and to what extent NWEA MAP interim assessments contributed to the predictive utility of existing student achievement data.;Using RM-ANOVA and descriptive statistics, this study found statistically significant growth of NWEA group means but overall mixed evidence of sustained growth. Us...