无法导出其系统中在 Revit 中将不同颜色指定给 IFC、NWC 或 NWD 格式的模型。 所有系统都有一种颜色,即灰色。 原因:这是Revit 的预期行为。在将材质指定给系统之前,每个材质在导出后都是相同的颜色。 解决方案:按照以下步骤执行操作: 从所需系统...
While it doesn't support conversion to DWG format directly, it can be used to view the NWD file and then manually recreate the geometry in AutoCAD or another compatible software to create a DWG file.Other alternativesExport the model to IFC using addons and open the IFC ...
Navisworks enables you to aggregate data from many applications. Typically, data going into Navisworks is from IFC or Revit. Navisworks is used to visualize and perform clash detection ... it is not a CAD tool that modifies geometry. So yes, you can translate directly from Navisworks to JT,...
http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/transform/200/w600h400/20190212/ifc9-hswimzy2681536.jpg 2024-12-1752 西甲参与进球榜:巴萨三叉戟包揽前3,维尼修斯、姆巴佩在列 2024-12-1753 尤文官方:平索利奥已归队,并入选了本轮尤文客战国米的大名单 2024-12-1754 8名青训出战国家德比!巴萨社媒晒拉玛西亚出身球员合照 2024...