Depending on the formatting of your file, it may be important to usejustified text. This is a formatting choice which distributes the text evenly between the given margins of the page. In English, this often results in hyphenated words which span two lines. There are rules about where the ...
meaning 意思;含义;意图 method 方法,办法 mistake 错误 note 笔记;便笺 point 要点 practice 实践;练习 progress 进步;进展;发展;前进 pronunciation (单词或语言的)发音 point 要点 question 问题 reply 回复;答复 research ...
The BIGO LIVE application is designed with a special ability that is window-in-window chat, where both users of the application can see each other when speaking. Then the application that allows you to make text messages or during the time of the video call or chat. The message sent will...
页码共88前往 NW-E50/E70/E90 GB/CS 3-267-071-13(1) NW-E50/E70/E90 Operating Instructions 使用说明书 3-267-071-13(1) © 2004 Sony Corporation Portable IC Audio Player Network Walkman 网络随身听 网络随身听 网络随身听 网络随身听
n成部分用于表达自我的语言不we use to express ourselves是省略关系代词 that/whichan integra component不可或的定语从句,修饰thelanguage缺的部分可或缺的intega一部分componentlhe word "emoji" comes from Japanese, literallyliterally av.根据字面意思TEmoji"一词源于meaning"itechaer" Emo esmllsymols日语,字面...
48. B根据上下文中的“text”和“a link to a live video chat”, 最符合的词是“message”。故选 B“message”(信息) 。 49. C在视频聊天中, Randy可以实时看到 Keith的“condition”(状态) , 故选C“condition” (状态) 。 50. A Randy提到他们可以“...
VIA was chosen as our name intentionally, reflecting the meaning of "traveling through en route to a destination." We guide our clients toward their new destination, whether they are buying or selling a property, or helping investors build their portfolio. Your journey is our priority, and we...
Conventions The following describe the meaning of the symbols and fonts used in this manual: Bold texts : • Names of hardware button on the operator panel. • Screen names on the LCD panel. • Menus, commands, windows, or dialog boxes displayed on the computer screen. Texts in ...
The current window or top-most window is always the window with the focus, meaning that any events that are triggered are given only to that window. TheApp.windowattribute always points to this window. Setting this attribute to a new window will automatically make this new window the window ...
The clear-text password for thelpUsernameaccount. [in] dwLogonFlags The logon option. This parameter can be 0 (zero) or one of the following values. ValueMeaning LOGON_WITH_PROFILE 0x00000001 Log on, then load the user profile in theHKEY_USERSregistry key. The function returns after the...