Tinnitus Information Hearing Devices Information We prioritize a positive and personalized healthcare experience. Every individual's journey with hearing loss is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. At Northwest Speech and Hearing Center, we strive to create a kind and supportive envi...
2.Martinez, C., et al. Incidence rates of clinically significant tinnitus: 10- year trend from a cohort study in England. Ear Hear, 2015, 36(3), e69-75. 3. P Ganesan, et al. Combined Amplification and Sound Therapy for Individua...
Havia M, Kentala E, Pyykkö I. Hearing loss and tinnitus in Meniere's disease. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2002;29(2):115-119. doi:10.1016/S0385-8146(01)00142-0. Okuno T, Sando I. Localization, frequency, and severity of endolymphatic hydrops and the pathology of ...
4、Ralli M, Gilardi A, Stadio AD, et al. Hearing loss and Alzheimer's disease: A Review. Int Tinnitus J. 2019;23(2):79-85. Published 2019 Sep 4. doi:10.5935/0946-5448.20190014 | 新媒体主编:米久
AtNorthwest Professional Hearing, our highly trained hearing professionals are trained and experienced in providing the besthearing aid fitting, testing fortinnitus, andhearing aidsin Countryside, IL Jill Michalak, BC-HIS Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences ...
4、Ralli M, Gilardi A, Stadio AD, et al. Hearing loss and Alzheimer's disease: A Review. Int Tinnitus J. 2019;23(2):79-85. Published 2019 Sep 4. doi:10.5935/0946-5448.20190014 | 新媒体主编:米久
来看看一篇影响因子为6分的文章,《Hyperbaric oxygen for idiopathic suddensensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus》,2012年。作者Michael H Bennett等评估共有7项试验(392名参与者)。高压氧治疗后如果按纯音平均听阈值(PTA)增加50%来评定的话,显示是无效的;但以PTA增加25%来评估的话...
The mechanism by which ballon dilation might enhance ET function has remained unclear. Further multi-centric and long-term studies should be conducted to fully evaluate the clinical value of BET. Randomized controlled trials are needed,incorporating consistentdiagnostic criteria ...
(4)G. G. Ramakers, A. van Zon, I. Stegeman,and W. Grolman,“The effect of cochlear implantation on tinnitus in patientswith bilateral hearing loss: a systematic review,” Laryngoscope,vol. 125, no.11, pp. 2584–2592, 2015. (5)J. Yang, J. Song, X...
4. Rauna K. Surr, Allen A. Montgomery, and H. Gustav Mueller, Eect of Amplication on Tinnitus Among NewHearing Aid Users , 《Ear and Hearing》2期 P71-75, 1985