On The Shift Literature Of Legend Of Nukua s Mending Sky; 女娲补天神话的文学移位 更多例句>> 补充资料:女娲墓 女娲墓(远古) 到临潼骊山,可以看到“女娲祠”,俗称“老母殿”。郭沫若《重游华清宫》诗有“老母长生剩吉羊”之句,注释曰:“相传女娲氏曾在此炼石补天。她死后,人们葬其于骊山之阳的白鹿塬...
文中分别提及的传说有:第1段"You must have heard of the legend of Yu Gong,who tried to move two mountains.(你一定听说过愚公的传说,他试图移动两座山。)"第3段"Nvwa used stones to repair the sky to make sure that humans would have a better future(女娃用石头来修复天...
On The Shift Literature Of Legend Of Nukua s Mending Sky; 女娲补天神话的文学移位 更多例句>> 补充资料:女娲 女娲 中国上古神话中的创世女神。传说她与伏羲是兄妹,她与伏羲结婚而产生人类,后来女娲禁止兄妹相婚,这反映了中国原始时代由血缘婚进步到族外婚的情况。又传说女娲用黄土仿照自己造成了人,创造了人类...
论汉水流域的女娲文化遗存及其地位 更多例句>> 2) Nu Wa 女娲 1. The Idea about Life and Death of Chinese in Immemorial-time Myths——Taking Fu Xi and Nu Wa as an Example; 中国上古神话中透视出的生死观——以伏羲、女娲神话为例 2. An Analysis of Nu Wa Reprair the Sky of Mythology ...
题目You must have heard of the legend(传说) of Yu Gong,who tried to move two mountains.The Taihang Mountain was one of the two mountains. The Taihang Mountain passes through the areas of Hebei,Shanxi,Henan and Beijing.It is about 400 kilometers long.It is one of t...