硬件Bug 起因 第一个bug 第一个bug总结 第二个bug 起因 今天刚拿到的PCB就马上焊好了,接电源发现能亮就很nice,但是把主控esp-12F焊上去就发现事情没这么简单,我是打算要用arduino IDE开发,但是凭之前的经验,新的芯片要用arduinoIDE开发就要进行BootLoader烧写,但是我不会啊😂,于是就想到了之前的esp32-cam可以...
esp_err_terr = nvs_open("storage", NVS_READONLY, &my_handle); it return ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND. if i flash an example from $IDF_PATH/examples/storage/nvs... the example works, and than if i flash my project it starts working again. ...
错误码返回:ESP_ERROR_CHECK failed: esp_err_t 0x1102 (ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND) at 0x403847dd file: "../main/main.c" line 413 func: wifi_init_sta expression: nvs_get_str(wificfg_nvs_handler,"wifi_ssid",wifi_ssid,&len)jr-test Posts: 100 Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:04 am Re:...
我正在使用一块ESP32-LyraT测试蓝牙功能,我烧写并运行“examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/ble/ble_compatibility_test”项目,代码分支是"release/v4.0"分支。 运行出现问题,主要log如下 I (30) boot: ESP-IDF v4.0-beta1-180-ga21eb04 2nd stage bootloader I (30) boot: compile time 15:18:23 I (31) boot:...
以上内容引用espressif的ESP8266/ESP32 NVS 基本操作有兴趣的自行了解 1.3、NVS数据管理模块 NVS是通过config.lua文件进行数据初始化的,这个文件只在第一次运行时有效,需要提前把要存储的键值对放进去才能使用,不能在程序随意添加其他的键值对,只能修改文件中提前写好的 para.lua:每次开机初始化时,如果para.lua不存...
esp_err_t err = nvs_open("storage", NVS_READONLY, &my_handle); it return ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND. if i flash an example from $IDF_PATH/examples/storage/nvs... the example works, and than if i flash my project it starts working again. What i am missing? follows partition configurat...
function, seems like it erases previously provisioned certificate/key, as I'm getting an error that they could not be loaded during MQTT connection process. The example comes with partitions.csv: Code:Select all #ESP-IDF Partition Table#Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flagsesp_secure_cert...
function, seems like it erases previously provisioned certificate/key, as I'm getting an error that they could not be loaded during MQTT connection process. The example comes with partitions.csv: Code:Select all #ESP-IDF Partition Table#Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flagsesp_secure_cert...