2. NVS中的概念 2.1. partition 分区 这里的Flash分区与分区表中所提到的Flash分区是相同的概念。 所以在希望调用nvs_open_from_partition()进行初始化时,需要先在分区表中设置对应名称的Flash分区。 在使用默认分区的情况下,可以直接使用nvs_open()进行初始化。 2.2. namespace 命名空间 为了减少不同组件之间键名...
命名空间的名称在调用 nvs_open() 或 nvs_open_from_partition 中指定,调用后将返回一个不透明句柄,用于后续调用 nvs_get_*、nvs_set_* 和 nvs_commit 函数。这样,一个句柄关联一个命名空间,键名便不会与其他命名空间中相同键名冲突。请注意,不同 NVS 分区中具有相同名称的命名空间将被视为不同的命名空间。
pr_error_str_msg(LOG_PFX"wiced_dct_get_app_section: nvs_open_from_partition(NVS_READONLY) returned: ", esp_err_to_name(err));// it may be that the storage driver is not initialized; if so, initialize it here.if(err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED || err == ESP_ERR_NVS_PART_...
* - other error codes from the underlying storage driver*/esp_err_t nvs_open(constchar* name, nvs_open_mode open_mode, nvs_handle *out_handle); /** * @brief Open non-volatile storage with a given namespace from specified partition * * The behaviour is same as nvs_open() API. Howe...
{// NVS partition was truncated and needs to be erased// Retry nvs_flash_initESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_erase());err=nvs_flash_init();}ESP_ERROR_CHECK(err);// Openprintf("\n");printf("Opening Non-Volatile Storage (NVS) handle... ");nvs_handle_t my_handle;err=nvs_open("storage...
nvs_open function, seems like it erases previously provisioned certificate/key, as I'm getting an error that they could not be loaded during MQTT connection process. The example comes with partitions.csv: Code: Select all # ESP-IDF Partition Table # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Fla...
However the devices that I know for sure that do not have this specific namespace within their partition return no error, and reads garbage values whenever I try to read the data inside the keys from within this namespace. What is happening here? Will the device always open namespaces that...
D (1354) phy_init: loading PHY init data from application binary D (1364) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition phy 0 D (1364) phy_init: esp_phy_load_cal_data_from_nvs: failed to open NVS namespace (0x1102) W (1374) phy_init: failed to load RF calibration data (0x1102), falling back...
handle 从nvs_open函数获取的句柄。 key 键,最大长度为 (NVS_KEY_NAME_MAX_SIZE-1) 个字符,不应为空。 out_value : 指向输出值的指针。对于nvs_get_str和nvs_get_blob可能是 NULL,在这种情况下,所需的长度将在长度参数中返回。 (3) 返回
ESP-C3入门3. NVS非易失性存储使用,官网文档地址删除名称为"nvs"的默认nvs分区。如果分区已经被初始化了,则先要执行反初始化。handle:由nvs_open返回的句柄将任何挂起的更改写入非易失性存储。