Speed testThis main script runs each of the above scripts and measures the time taken to run them. It then calculates the throughput by taking the amount of data read/written and dividing by the delay in seconds. Note that each write test ends with a call tosyncto ensure that the write ...
even an OS installation), its still quite possible for a fresh system device to have only had a small fraction of its capacity touched by the time of this test (you tell me?). If say only 50GB of data has been written out of the device’s 512GB capacity (476GiB...
Test NVMe speed on Windows is a great way to ensure it functions as planned. This post will teach you how to use the native tool and a third-party nvme speed test software with simple-to-follow steps.
为了用MacBook Pro测一下USB 4.0 NVMe SSD硬盘盒,这次借用了Intel处理器的MacBook Pro 2020款电脑。 用Disk Speed Test For Mac测得数据,连续写入:637.4 MB/s,连续读取:1238.4 MB/s。 用AJA System Test Lite测得数据,连续写入:1375 MB/s,连续读取:1699 MB/s。 用AmorphousDiskMark 3.1测得数据,连续读取:...
在Disk Speed Test测试中,奥睿科M.2 NVMe移动硬盘的读取速度达到了942MB/s,写入速度达到了873MB/s,这个速度甚至比一些内置NVMe SSD还快。ATTO Disk Benchmark是Windows一款简单易用的磁盘传输速率检测软件,同样也有MacOS版本,只是界面略有不同。该软件使用了4MB的测试包,分别从0.5Kb、1.0Kb、2.0Kb直到8192...
通过Disk Speed Test测试绿联USB4 M.2 NVMe固态硬盘盒的实际表现。实测写入速度约为2481.5MB/s,读取速度约为3008.3MB/s,符合硬盘盒的传输性能。绿联USB4固态硬盘盒拆解 看完了绿联这款硬盘盒的开箱和测试,下面就进行拆解,一起来看看内部的用料和设计。首先拧开硬盘盒盖板的固定螺丝,拆下铝合金盖板。硬盘盒...
用Blackmagic Disk Speed Test测试,测得奥睿科硬盘盒搭配Sandisk Extreme PRO固态硬盘连续读取速度可以达到2.7GB每秒,连续写入速度可以达到2.4GB每秒,与笔记本内置SSD速度差不多。再把固态硬盘取出来放在雷电3盒子里,测出的结果几乎一致,说明USB4.0盒子和雷电3盒子的传输速度是一样的,毕竟用的也是同一型号主控:向...
用Disk Speed Test For Mac测得数据,连续写入:637.4 MB/s,连续读取:1238.4 MB/s。 用AJA System Test Lite测得数据,连续写入:1375 MB/s,连续读取:1699 MB/s。 用AmorphousDiskMark 3.1测得数据,连续读取:3084.45 MB/s,连续写入:989.57 MB/s。
首先是macOS党惯用的【Disk Speed Test】,设置测试文件大小为5GB。测得读取速度为3069MB/s,相当于29.5Gbps,而写入速度也达到了2813MB/s,折合22.4Gbps,明显已经超过了旧款20Gbps的水平。接着是跟WIN系统上的【Crystal Disk Mark】基本相同的【Amorphous Disk Mark】,除了4K随机写入的速度稍慢外,整体成绩也...
用Disk Speed Test For Mac测得数据,连续写入:1623.0 MB/s,连续读取:2771.6 MB/s。 用AJA System Test Lite测得数据(4GB),连续写入:1796 MB/s,连续读取:2967 MB/s。 用AmorphousDiskMark 3.1测得数据(1GiB),连续读取:3129.40 MB/s,连续写入:2523.86 MB/s。