RDMA is a host-offload, host-bypass technology that allows an application (including storage) to make data transfers directly to/from another application's memory space. The RDMA-capable Ethernet NICs (RNICs) -- not the host -- manage reliable connections between source and destination. Applicati...
在NVMe Express 1.2 Spec中开始支持一个特性,那就是CMB(Controller Memory Buffer),是指SSD控制器内部的读写存储缓冲区,与HMB(Host Memory Buffer)的不同处在于所使用的内存地址位于控制器自己的内存中,而不是位于主机内存中,但它们使用队列的方式都是一样的。 如何获取CMB的配置信息 在NVMe SSD Controller 中有...
RDMA Transport基于RDMA RC/RD模式提供可靠按需交付服务,使得Host可以利用二端的RDMA NIC进行直接数据放置而不需要经过CPU数据拷贝,从而高效的访问远端高性能nvme设备。 NVMe-oF中RDMA transport基于RDMA read/write memory语义实现远程内存访问,充分发挥RDMA offloadcpu&kernel bypass特性,使得NVMe-oF能够提供接近nvme本地盘...
当然仅仅offload到RDMA意义不是很大,我们需要一个更广泛以及通用的offload接口。当然目前没有显示卸载(explicit offloading),那么各大致力于offloading解决方案的公司,可以八仙过海各显神通,采用各种隐式offloading的方法。比如在采用SPDK NVMe-oF TCP解决方案的时候,如果Host和target端都可以控制,则可以使用LD PRELOAD的方式...
...mellanox upstream kernel实现的nvme rdma tranport能配置offload,那么需要spdk中实现的rdma transport也能实现offload。...packaged and available on most Linux distributions...,难道nvme和rdma一个通用驱动就能驱动所有厂商的硬件? 2.5K31 RDMA技术系列一:rdma技术简介 ...
...包括主机(Host)、交换机(HBR) 和多种设备(GPU、NVMe SSD 和网络卡)。 多层次结构: 第 1 层交换机 直接连接主机。...RoCE(RDMA over Converged Ethernet) 性质:在标准 以太网 上实现 RDMA 通信,提供 IB 类似的高性能通信能力,但基于以太网协议栈。...影响: 这些问题在高密度服务器中尤为常见,特别是...
Simple NVMe-oF Target Offload Benchmark HowTo Configure NVMe over Fabrics Target using nvmetcli Setup For the target setup, you will need a server equipped with NVMe device(s) and ConnectX-5 (or later) adapter. The client side (NVME-oF host) has no limitation regarding HCA type. ...
nvme_ssd": "3.2T:large:1:3200:True", "ecs:performancetype": "ssd offload", "hw:numa_nodes": "1", "trust:trusted_host": "false", "hw:cpu_model": "", "hw:support_localdisk_alarm": "yes", "resource_type": "<all-in-list> ssd offload", "ecs:instance_architecture": "arm64"...
nvme_ssd": "3.2T:large:1:3200:True", "ecs:performancetype": "ssd offload", "hw:numa_nodes": "1", "trust:trusted_host": "false", "hw:cpu_model": "", "hw:support_localdisk_alarm": "yes", "resource_type": "<all-in-list> ssd offload", "ecs:instance_architecture": "arm64"...
NVME-oF enables NVMe message-based commands to transfer data between a host computer and a target solid-state storage device or system over a network such as Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and InfiniBand. Tunneling NVMe commands through an RDMA fabric provides a high throughput and a low latency. ...