会话 Session是NVMe Host和Controller之间的一个会话, 在一个NVMe Host和Controller之间, 有且只能有一个NVMe Session,Session使用Host Session ID进行标识。 链接 Connection是指NVMe Host和Controller之间的Queue Pair,一个Queue Pair就是一个Connection。 命名空间 控制器 子系统 端口 会话 链接目录...
In this connection diagram, two controllers of the storage system and two ports of the host are connected to switches through optical fibers. On the switches, the ports connecting to a storage controller and to the host are grouped in a zone, ensuring connectivity between the host port and th...
在Connection机制中增加了创建Queue的机制,删除了NVMe over PCIe中的创建和删除Queue的命令。 在NVMe-oF中不存在PCIe架构下的中断机制。 NVMe-oF不支持CQ的流控,所以每个队列的OutStanding Capsule数量不能大于对应CQ的Entry的数量,从而避免CQ被OverRun NVMe-oF仅支持SGL,NVMe over PCIe 支持SGL/PRP 先谈谈博科一直推崇...
增加了Discovery和Connect机制,用于发现和连接拓扑结构中的NVM Subsystem 在Connection机制中增加了创建Queue的机制,删除了NVMe over PCIe中的创建和删除Queue的命令。 在NVMe-oF中不存在PCIe架构下的中断机制。 NVMe-oF不支持CQ的流控,所以每个队列的OutStanding Capsule数量不能大于对应CQ的Entry的数量,从而避免CQ被OverRu...
Older storage connection interfaces such as serial attached SCSI (SAS) and Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) cause bottlenecks in today's networks because they were designed for use with much slower HDDs and tape-based memory. NVMe is designed to take advantage of solid state drive (SS...
Typical protocols for communication between devices include: Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP): FC has been widely used for storage device interconnection since the HDD era and it supports both SCSI and NVMe. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is a connection-oriented, reliable, and byte stream-...
产品系列(点击查看详情)速率VMware ESXi 版本兼容性兼容性详情页Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I210 Series1GbE8.0 7.0 U3 7.0 U2 7.0 U1 6.7 U3 6.7 U2 6.7 U1查看 Intel® Ethernet Connection I217 Series1GbE8.0 7.0 U3 7.0 U2 7.0 U1 7.0 6.7 U3 6.7 U2查看 Intel® Ethernet Connection I218 ...
在解析完portal group配置之后,SPDK iSCSI Target就会在每个portal group中监听socket请求,并注册一个Poller专门用于网络事件监听。如果有socket请求,就会得到一个FD(File Descriptor),然后这个FD会加入epoll的监听,并且创建iSCSI connection。 在创建connection的时候,会初始化一些与iSCSI相关的参数,包括以下内容:NOPINTERVAL...
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VendorChipsetVendorIDDeviceIDIntelEthernet Connection (6) I219-LM0x80860x15bd IntelEthernet Connection (6) I219-V0x80860x15be IntelEthernet Connection (7) I219-LM0x80860x15bb IntelEthernet Connection (7) I219-V0x80860x15bc IntelEthernet Connection (10) I219-LM0x80860x0d4e IntelEthernet Con...