This SQL statement would return 0 if thecommissionfield contained a null value. Otherwise, it would return thecommissionfield. Frequently Asked Questions Question: I tried to use the NVL function through VB to access Oracle DB. To be precise, select NVL(DIstinct (emp_name),'AAA'),... from...
This SQL statement would return 0 if thecommissionfield contained a null value. Otherwise, it would return thecommissionfield. Frequently Asked Questions Question: I tried to use the NVL function through VB to access Oracle DB. To be precise, select NVL(DIstinct (emp_name),'AAA'),... from...
Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsThe Oracle Gateway for DRDA (DG4DRDA) 11.2 has been configured to connect to a DB2/400 database. All supported SQL functions work with the exception of the NVL function. ...
NVL函数 Oracle/PLSQL中的一个函数 格式为: NVL( string1, replace_with) 功能:如果string1为NULL,则NVL函数返回replace_with的值,否则返回string1的值。 引申一下,此NVL的作用与SQLserver 中的 ISNULL( string1, replace_with) 一样。 注意事项:string1和replace_with必须为同一数据类型,除非显式的使用TO_CH...
看你的问题,字段1=nvl(:va,字段1),是没有问题的 select R.REGION_NAME REGION_NAME, R.REGION_ID HID_ID, SUM(G.BADBILL_FEE) sum_fee from SYS_REGION R, GCI_BADBILL_SUM G where G.city_id = R.REGION_ID and R.SUP_REGION_ID = ? and G.badfee_type_id = nvl(:badfee...
...用游标传递数据 利用游标 REF CURSOR 可将数据集(多行记录)传递到PL/SQL函数: SELECT * FROM TABLE (myfunction (CURSOR (SELECT * ...定义对象类型和基于对象类型的表类型 定义对象类型并且为进一步引用做好准备。...定义表类型:TYPE SUM_SALES_ROLL_T_TAB CREATE TYPE sum_sales_roll_t_tab AS ...
Oracle创建自己命名的数据库的方法 decode 目前一般使用可以不同用户登录,一起管理的系统自带的ORCL数据库 例子 讲义 dual:废表,不存在的表 自连接:一个表查两次 作业 1、创建一个学生信息表stuinfo,包含学号,姓名,生日(日期)。请通过一个sql语句显示【姓名】的学号是【学号】,生日是【转换成字符串的生日字段】...
The MS AccessIsNull()function returns TRUE (-1) if the expression is a null value, otherwise FALSE (0): SELECTProductName, UnitPrice * (UnitsInStock + IIF(IsNull(UnitsOnOrder),0, UnitsOnOrder)) FROMProducts; Oracle The OracleNVL()function achieves the same result: ...