质性分析软件nvivo nvivo教程己nvivo教程2 day 2 - nvivo underway - analysing your data v10.pdf,Day 2 – Nvivo Underway Analysing your Data A tutorial workbook to take you through the practical steps covered in day 2 Training delivered by: qdatraining.eu Pe
Severalresourcesexisttohelpyou useNVivosoftware,includingon-linesupport,embedded instructionsandhelpfeatures.Thistutorialguidesyou through: SimpleNVivoapplicationssuchascreatingdocuments, importingdocuments,creatingnodes,codingintonodes, runningbasicqueries,identifyingattributes; AdvancedNVivoapplicationssuchasautocodingand...
Cluster analysis can help you to see patterns in your data. This topic introduces the cluster analysis technique and provides links to other useful topics.You can also watch the video tutorial Visualize your project.In this topicWhat is cluster analysis? Types of cluster analysis diagrams Cluster...
If you are working with a dataset of survey results, you may also want to watch the video tutorial Work with survey results.In this topicUnderstand dataset sources Open and navigate dataset sources What can I do in a dataset? Import data from spreadsheets, text files and database tables ...
Watch a video tutorial Top of PageWhat is coding?'Coding' your sources is a way of gathering all the references to a specific topic, theme, person or other entity. You can code all types of sources and bring the references together in a single 'node':...
NVivo is a leading software package used by researchers to assist them with the analysis and management of qualitative databases. Developed by the Australian company QSR – Qualitative Solutions and Research, the latest version of the software; NVivo 8, combines all the functionality of its ...
‘onlinehelp’. •Getrelevantassistancewhenyouneeditwithcontext sensitivehelp–thehelpinformationchangesdepending onthetaskyou’reperforming. •TheNVivoforMactutorialvideoswalkyouthroughthe software’sfeaturesanddemonstratehowtousethem. YourprojectsinNVivo •OpenandworkwithprojectsdevelopedinNVivo10 forWindows...