Description Problem pyright is neurodivergent neovim/neovim#30444 Solution set pyright.disableTaggedHints by default in the pyright config. also document it.
├── npm@8.12.1 ├── pyright@1.1.233 ├── typescript@4.7.4 ├── vue-language-server@0.0.67 └── wscat@5.1.0 my NeoVim version: lua ➤ nvim --version git:master*NVIM v0.7.2 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 Compiled by runner@Mac-1656256708179.local Features: +...
请注意,<language_server>应替换为您要配置的具体语言服务器的名称,例如"tsserver"(TypeScript)或"pyright"(Python)。 推荐的腾讯云相关产品和产品介绍链接地址: 腾讯云服务器(CVM):提供弹性计算能力,满足各种规模的应用需求。产品介绍链接 腾讯云云函数(SCF):无服务器计算服务,帮助开发者构建和运行无需管理服务器的...
上一章,我们初步认识了lsp,并且对 nvim-treesitter插件进行了配置,为编辑器提供了代码着色、自动...
neovimlanguage-server-protocolpyrightpython-language-servernvim-lspconfig 3得票1回答 rust-analyzer 在 macOS 上无法在 neovim 中工作。 我正在使用M1 Mac上的NeoVim和NvChad默认配置。尝试编辑.rs文件。Neovim lsp显示片段,但没有错误或自动完成。 我的操作 我已经使用Mason安装了rust-analyzer并进行了配置。 # ...
pyright.setup{} Launch Nvim, the language server will attach and provide diagnostics. nvim Run :LspInfo to see the status or to troubleshoot. See Suggested configuration to setup common mappings and omnifunc completion. See (:help lspconfig-all from Nvim) ...
Can you reproduce this behavior on other language servers offered in the nvim-lspconfig repo? (pyls -> pyright): nope, since gopls is the only server for Go Is the problem isolated to a particular language server: yesOperating system/version:...
{ init_options...= true, noremap = true}) -- 跳转到引用位置 vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gr", "lua...文件中加入下面的代码 local lsp_set_keymap = require("keybindings") local util = require 'lspconfig/util' require...('lspconfig').pyright.setup{ on_attach...
一个示例配置,将诊断消息位置设置为"float": 代码语言:txt 复制 local nvim_lsp = require('lspconfig') nvim_lsp.<language_server>.setup { -- 其他配置... diagnostic_position = "float" } 请注意,<language_server>应替换为您要配置的具体语言服务器的名称,例如"tsserver"(TypeScript)或"pyright...
Can you reproduce this behavior on other language servers offered in the nvim-lspconfig repo? (pyls -> pyright): I testedclangdon a C++ project and it works well. Is the problem isolated to a particular language server: It seems to be isolated torust-analyzer ...