-- Git Icon NvimTreeGitDeletedIcon = "Statement", NvimTreeGitDirtyIcon = "Statement", NvimTreeGitIgnoredIcon = "Comment", NvimTreeGitMergeIcon = "Constant", NvimTreeGitNewIcon = "PreProc", NvimTreeGitRenamedIcon = "PreProc", NvimTreeGitStagedIcon = "Constant", -- ...
I run into errors like module 'nvim-treesitter.configs' not found at startup I want to use Git instead of curl for downloading the parsers I want to use a HTTP proxy for downloading the parsers I want to use a mirror instead of "https://github.com/" ...
require("nvim-treesitter.install").prefer_git = trueI want to use a HTTP proxy for downloading the parsersYou can either configure curl to use additional CLI arguments in your Lua config:require("nvim-treesitter.install").command_extra_args = { curl = { "--proxy", "<proxy url>" }...
This setup uses the modern LSP system for language support, things like auto-complete, symbols tree, etc..., which requires a LSP server outside the editor. Fortunately nvim-lspconfig manages to configure most of the LSP server options for us, all we need to do is to install the LSP ...
.gitattributes deps: Update to latest tree-sitter version Apr 21, 2024 .gitignore Initial commit Apr 11, 2021 Cargo.toml fix: parse continued latex env as paragraph (close milisims#38) Oct 22, 2022 LICENSE chore!: Version 1.0.0 Apr 8, 2022 Makefile deps: Update to latest tree-sitter ...
Neo-tree windows in different tabs are completely separate respect_gitignore actually works! Neo-tree is smooth, efficient, stable, and pays attention to the little details. If you find anything janky, wanky, broken, or unintuitive, please open an issue so we can fix it. Minimal Quickstart ...
Undo (git commit tree like): mbbill/undotree vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>u", vim.cmd.UndotreeToggle) Git manipulate: tpope/vim-fugitive support using Git in Vim: only need to change 'G' to uppercase. such as: 'git log' in shell, now become vim ':Git log' manipulate current ...
.gitignore .luacheckrc .stylua.toml CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE README.md Repository files navigation README Apache-2.0 license nvim-treesitter-textobjects Syntax aware text-objects, select, move, swap, and peek support. Warning: tree-sitter and nvim-treesitter are an experimental feature...
This plugin requires the use of treesitter withtree-sitter-orginstalled neovim 0.7+ Installation With packer.nvim use'akinsho/org-bullets.nvim' Usage To use the defaults use: use{'akinsho/org-bullets.nvim',config=function()require('org-bullets').setup()end} ...
.gitignore .luacheckrc .luarc.json .release-please-manifest.json CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE Makefile README.md release-please-config.jsonBreadcrumbs nvim-tree.lua /.github /workflows / ci.yml View Runs Latest commit alex-courtis fix(#2945): stack overflow on api....