mosheavni added a commit to mosheavni/nvim-tree.lua that referenced this issue May 22, 2022 # This is a combination of 11 commits. … 5376004 martin-braun commented Sep 28, 2022 @kyazdani42 But what if I want to move a file to a new folder? I tried to rename the file, but...
:NvimTreeFocusOpen the tree if it is closed, and then focus on the tree. :NvimTreeFindFileMove the cursor in the tree for the current buffer, opening folders if needed. :NvimTreeCollapseCollapses the nvim-tree recursively. nvim-tree is stable and new major features will not be added....
-- 文件管理树 use { 'kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua', requires = { 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', -- optional, for file icon }, config = function() require'nvim-tree'.setup {} end } 配置#Copynvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/tree.lua vim.g.nvim_tree_indent_markers = 1 vim.g...
"first build the *.c, *.cpp,.sh,.sh and auto insert file headers autocmd BufNewFile.cpp,.[ch],.sh,.java exec ":call SetTitle()" func SetTitle() "shell: if &filetype == 'sh' call setline(1,"###") call append(line("."), "# File Name: ".expand("%")) call append(li...
每次在 neovim 中打开文件时,我都会收到来自 treesister 配置的错误消息,并且语法突出显示不起作用。在阅读 neovim API 文档后,我尝试了以下测试命令::lua vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("MyGroup", {clear = false}) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 抛出错误:...
nvim-tree-lua.rc.lua 差生文具多系列之如何把Neovim整成VSCode (二)插件管理器及外观篇 安装插件管理器 lazy.nvim lazy.nvim是一个有着漂亮UI和方便功能的插件管理器。 (所有的插件都将来至Github,所以你懂的,请保证连接稳定) 在nvim\lua\plugins.lua里开头输入: local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data...
vim.g.nvim_tree_git_gl = 0 local tree_cb = require("nvim-tree.config").nvim_tree_callback require("nvim-tree").setup { auto_close = true, update_focused_file = { update_cwd = true }, view = { mappings = { list = { {key = "l", cb = tree_cb("edit")} } } } } ...
*neo-tree.txt* Plugin to browse the file system and other tree like structures CONTENTS *neo-tree* Introduction ... |neo-tree-introduction| Commands ... |neo-tree-commands| Mappings ... |neo-tree-mappings| Help ... |neo-tree-help| Navigation ... |neo-tree-navigation| View...
-- for example if you don't want statusline of -- your file tree / sidebar window to have active -- statusline you can add their filetypes here. always_divide_middle = true, -- When set to true, left sections i.e. 'a','b' and 'c' -- can't take over the entire statusline...