` option -- add `org` to ignore_install -- require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup({ -- ensure_installed = 'all', -- ignore_install = { 'org' }, -- }) Or if you are using `init.vim`, wrap the above snippet like so: ```vim " init.vim lua << EOF require('orgmode')...
现在的问题是编写orgmode或者markdown的时候。然后显示图片的问题了。当然网上是有一些操作看样子是能实现这样的操作的。 高效的操作一定不是一个复杂的操作,也就是保持操作简单是一件重要的事情。以及如何让一件事情变得简单是一件值得思考的问题。 2022-07-01·北京 ...
letg:airline#extensions#keymap#enabled = 1 letg:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1 letg:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_format = { \'0':'0 ', \'1':'1 ', \'2':'2 ', \'3':'3 ', \'4':'4 ', \'5':'5 ', \'6':'6 ', \'7':'7 ', \'8':'8 '...
let &t_SR.="\e[4 q" "SR = REPLACE mode let &t_EI.="\e[1 q" "EI = NORMAL mode (ELSE)" ⾼度光标所在⾏ "set cursorline " 设置不换⾏ "set nowrap set wrap " 显⽰按下的按键 set showcmd " 按tab 显⽰菜单 set wildmenu " 不需要备份⽂件 set nobackup "---vim 个⼈...
vim-table-mode- 一个可以帮助您格式化表格的插件 markdown-preview.nvim- markdown预览器 Undotree- 显示更改历史 emmet-vim- Vim的Emmet fzf- 模糊文件查找器 vim-illuminate- 一种用于阐明光标下当前单词的其他用途的工具 vim-multiple-cursors- 多重选择Sublime Text ...
}--Plugins can also depend on rocks from luarocks.org:use{'my/supercoolplugin',rocks={'lpeg', {'lua-cjson',version='2.1.0'}} }--You can specify rocks in isolationuse_rocks'penlight'use_rocks{'lua-resty-http','lpeg'}--Local plugins can be includeduse'~/projects/personal/hover.nvi...
{ "nvim-neorg/neorg", -- 基于文件类型懒加载插件 ft = "norg", -- neorg 的选项。这将自动调用 `require("neorg").setup(opts)` opts = { load = { ["core.defaults"] = {}, }, }, }, 首先,nvim-cmp在InsertEnter事件加载,这是Neovim的一个内置事件,当用户从普通模式进入插入模式时会触...
Maintainer: Debian Vim Maintainers <team+vim@tracker.debian.org> Homepage: https://neovim.io/ Section: editors Neovim, a programmer's text editor based on Vim, provides several modes for different kinds of text manipulation. Pressing i in normal mode enters insert mode. <Esc> goes back ...
startup({ function() use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'-- Packer can manage itself end, config = { max_jobs = 16, git = { default_url_format = 'https://hub.fastgit.org/%s' }, display = { open_fn = function() return require('packer.util').float({ border = 'single' }) end } }...
cbfmt - A tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents. clang-format - Tool to format C/C++/… code according to a set of rules and heuristics. cljfmt - cljfmt is a tool for detecting and fixing formatting errors in Clojure code. cljstyle - Formatter for Clojure code....