A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua. - nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua. luaneovimnvimstatuslineneovim-pluginneovim-lualualineneovim-statusline UpdatedNov 8, 2024 Lua 🌠 Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8 ...
bufferline 地址:https://github.com/akinsho/bufferline.nvim 在plugins-configs 目录下新建 bufferline.lua 文件,进行配置,仍旧是采用pcall进行加载,之后就可以进行配置。 localstatus, bufferline =pcall(require,"bufferline") ifnotstatusthen vim.notify("没有找到 bufferline") return end bufferline.setup(...
Using Lua from Vimscript :lua This command executes a chunk of Lua code. :lua require('myluamodule') Multi-line scripts are possible using heredoc syntax: echo "Here's a bigger chunk of Lua code" lua << EOF local mod = require('mymodule') local tbl = {1, 2, 3} for k, v in...
vim lua neovim navigation motion nvim neovim-plugin fennel nvim-plugin Updated Dec 1, 2023 Fennel SmiteshP / nvim-navic Sponsor Star 1.4k Code Issues Pull requests Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context lua neovim language-server-protocol nvim neovim-plugin ...
Neo-tree follows in the spirit of plugins like lualine.nvim and nvim-cokeline. Everything will be configurable and take either strings, tables, or functions. You can take sane defaults or build your tree items from scratch. There should be the ability to add any features you can think ...
autopairs for neovim written in lua. Contribute to windwp/nvim-autopairs development by creating an account on GitHub.
url = "https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim" }, ["plenary.nvim"] = { loaded = true, path = "/Users/zhranklin/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/plenary.nvim", url = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, ["repeat.vim"] = { loaded = true, path = "...
gitvimlinuxdotfilesbashdockertmuxvimfilesluaneovimgnomenvimgruvboxstowalacrittypyenv UpdatedMay 17, 2024 Shell NycRat/dotfiles Star40 My Dotfiles for Neovim, Tmux, Zsh vimmacosdotfileszshtmuxluaneovimnvim UpdatedSep 14, 2024 Shell diegorubin/environment ...
用Lua 管理 nvim 配置。所有配置项都可覆盖。 充分使用 Neovim 功能:Native LSP、Float Window、Winbar。 基于vim-plug 或packer.nvim 的插件框架,任你选择。 帅气的界面和配色。暗黑模式。支持真彩色、平滑滚动、滚动条、Dashboard。你可以修改配色,详见 doc/colors.md。 支持配置 github 代理,在中国大陆可加快...