来看看现代nvim怎么debug吧 7236 -- 18:02 App 打造neovim IDE第二十期:调试增强--nvim/gdb集成 6566 4 11:13 App Neovim从新手到高手系列之轻松安装LazyVim 4366 4 27:28 App 从零开始的Neovim配置--第2期:LuaSnip插件用法及其基本配置 5478 1 26:06 App 【nvim】来玩玩neovim的浮动窗口? 1万 ...
先在neovim下载页面https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/nightly 找到 nvim-win64.zip(32位或64位) ,下载到本地。 解压到一个目录,例如 c:\Neovim。 把c:\Neovim\bin添加到操作系统的路径中。以便于通过win10中terminal 或 cmd中可以启动nvim。但是在win7中使用不方便,因为命令窗口Tui不能全屏。 把...
--Keymap to check for new version for the server under the current cursor positioncheck_server_version="c",--Keymap to update all installed serversupdate_all_servers="U",--Keymap to check which installed servers are outdatedcheck_outdated_servers="C",--Keymap to uninstall a serveruninstall_...
Debug: dlv, nvim-dap Theme, look&feel: home cooked Aurora, windline (lua), devicons(lua), blankline(indent), bufferline Color: Primary with treesitter from nvim nightly (nvim-lsp and this make it hard for me to turn back to vim), log-highlight, limelight, interestingwords, hexokinase...
https://github.com/phoityne/haskell-debug-adapter.git lua https://github.com/jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind.git Static Analysis https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim.git https://github.com/fannheyward/coc-marketplace https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig C++ https://github.com/ll...
nvim-luadev - REPL/debug console for nvim lua plugins nvim-luapad - Interactive real time neovim scratchpad for embedded lua engine nlua.nvim - Lua Development for Neovim galaxyline.nvim - neovim statusline plugin written in lua BetterLua.vim - Better Lua syntax highlighting in Vim/NeoVim...
详见 Debug - Disable other plugins。 代理 require('one').setup { config = { proxy = { -- 如果你在中国大陆,推荐使用 'https://ghproxy.com'。否则,不要设置该配置项。 github = 'https://ghproxy.com', }, }, } 有些插件使用了 git submodule,代理无法起作用。建议你执行 git config --...
-- See https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls#java-debug-installation -- -- 如果您不打算使用调试器或其他 eclipse.jdt.ls 插件,您可以删除它 init_options = { bundles = {} }, } -- 这将启动一个新的客户端和服务器, -- 或根据 `root_dir` 附加到现有的客户端和服务器。
Add g:vim_node_rpc_args for debug purpose. Add coc#add_extension() for specify extensions to install. Fix clients not restarted on CocRestart. Fix execArgv and runtime not work for node language server. Fix detail of complete item not echoed sometimes. Fix actions missing when registered wi...